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1st Tribunal for Qualified Breeding Stock: May 28 & 29, 2019 in the USA



1st Tribunal for Qualified Breeding Stock: May 28 & 29, 2019 in the USA

The deadline for entries is Sunday, May 12th

The first TQB of the season will be held in Murrieta, California USA on May 28th and 29th, with the actual venue being 38201 Palo Alto Lane Remember that the deadline for entries concludes on Sunday, the 12th of May Go to the section TQB – Rules & Regulations to find all of the necessary information when planning to take part in any of the Tribunals planned for 2019 For further information, contact the Competition Department at +34- 954-689-260 option 2 or an email to jacobo@anccecom [PDF] Entry Form