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2008 California Inscription & Revision Stampede


On February 10th, 2008 a “Little bit of Spain” came to California and made a “BIG Spanish difference to the PRE breeders of this state Starting in Southern California and finishing in Northern California February 23, 2008, the team of Dr Arancha Rodriguez DVM, Director of the International Section of LG-ANCCE, Vanessa Villanueva, Assistant to Arancha Rodriguez and Dr Elias Jimenez, DVM, escorted, attended and pressed by Alexander B Zilo, USPREA Vice President/Board member, ANCCE Delegato to the US & Canada visited over twenty 20 sites and conducted in excess of 1,200 services for Inscription and Revision Two and a half months after the Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse declined to further service the Stud Book protocol issued to them by ANCCE, ANCCE elected to service the USA without a protocol, working directly with the Breeders of the US through the Delegato The most profound result of this visit was LG-ANCCE was able to review and/or service horses that were lost in the “FAB-PRE/Cria Caballar” difficulties Review of those problems was not available prior to the end of December 2007 When considering the total number of horses seen Southern California over 600 and Northern California 200 plus a high percentage were horses whose owners were frustrated by an inability to communicate with the proper authority and resolve whatever issues were delaying their paperwork Some Cartas were granted five 5 years ago but never received

“Consider for a Stallion, he may have been bred numerous times to PRE Mares and the offspring could not be seen until he had an Apto Carta”

This visit made serious headway in resolving these issues, pending confirmation of blood type and payment Owners have been told that two months after the team arrives back in Spain they may expect to see Spanish PRE Cartas Another exciting element to this visit – inscribed horses with Spanish PRE Cartas, presented for revision and passed – Their Cartas were stamped and stayed in the US with trusted representatives nominated by the breeders After confirmation of blood and payment if required those Cartas can be released to the owners ANCCE will be conducting revision/inscriptions at various sites throughout the US in 2008 These sites will be predicated on the interest of the breeders and regional organization Sites in Washington State, Florida, Texas, Michigan, Ohio and Colorado have already made applications Any interest in Spanish Cartas -- Contact the ANCCE Delegato in the US This trip was all business for the LG team, but amid the commotion of people, stallions, mares and babies, order was found and moments of calm enjoyed The Team was unprepared for the unusually cold and rainy weather, the song is wrong…it does rain in California and it pours Site by site the group “layered” with gifts of Branded “T’s”, Jackets and caps – Layers of Logos that started at Armando Miranda’s site and continued from ranch to ranch Miranda also won the youngest foal to be inscribed award…the colt was born at 5am and by 1pm he was inscribed! Each Southern California site expressed its own special flavor At the Jimenez site “anything we can do to help” was the motto The Armendariz clan kept the food coming, from Quiche to Pollo, warm and delicious it provided warmth on the cold day Arturo Delgato showed an old world grace…his concern was for his guests The team arrived late, 8:30 in the evening, it was apparent that all horses could not be seen Arturo, in true gentleman like fashion asked the team to please see to his guests and that he would present his own horses on another trip His delightful generosity spurred the team to accommodate all of his guests working until midnight that cold dark evening and to see Sr Delgato’s horses the following day Sometimes a misfortune can be viewed in another light Consider a location that declined service because of sick and sold horses It provided the team with some down time and a large amount of Laundry Hhhm they were close to Malibu and the afternoon site was near A call was made to Avi Cohen to trade laundry services for a personal visit and the inscription of 4 foals Avi was at the office but Iris, his wife welcomed them Hospitality times two The team started to warm up, and relax…”home away from home”, a frantic phone call from Florida… “Alex, do you know that a group of horses, 15 horses with three horse trailers are searching for a site, thrashing about Malibu looking for the team” A quick call to Avi Cohen and they were directed to Kilimanjaro Ranch Done and a grateful breeder was sent on his way In a mad dash from Southern California that was characterized by marathon days seeing hundreds of horses, many being presented that were not on the list The team rolled up their sleeves and serviced all who applied The appreciation of the breeders was heartfelt and gratifying for the team, handshakes and thank-you’s were the rule This endeavor would not have been possible without the tireless and patient Miguel Nuñez Chair of USPRE Breeders Committee who assisted the USPRE Association in organizing the massive Southern California PRE community with the assistance of Raul Armendariz and Gustavo Aldana US PRE breeders committee A special thank you to the following sites in Southern California: Joe Pena, Jesus Jimenez, Rafael Madrigal, Arturo Delgato, Raul Armendariz, Armando Miranda, Javier Herrera, Cornelio Baron, Raul Ramirez, Diego Cobarubias, Avi Cohen, Barbara Currie, Barbara Rotter, Alfredo Zapera and Shelly Fries The team arrived in Northern California with a whole new dynamic; the distance between sites was completely different from close knit Southern California Traveling over the grapevine to Bakersfield, for an overnight then morning site at Gremlan Farms the home of Graham and Lanys Kaye-Eddie The team then traveled three hours to Merced, Andaurora Ranch the home of Raul Bucio Noon was the anticipated start, but due to more horses in Bakersfield than projected the team did not arrive until late afternoon They were greeted with waves, smiles and a line up of horses The delay was not unwelcome as many breeders arrived with incomplete paperwork Celia Raul’s assistant had them line up and one by one and with the help of Celia, Brenda Darland and USPRE Board Member Jacqueline Suechting, the paperwork was put in order and the site was prepared! What a cultural experience with English, Spanish and Spanglish the job was accomplished Senor Bucio provided a tent, music and a barbeque throughout that lent to the up beat atmosphere The pride each breeder took in their horses was gratifying, polished and presented each horse was a special prize to its owner and the team treated each owner and horse in just that way We must thank Raul Bucio, at the end of the night the exhausted team was treated to a warm catered dinner, small and intimate it provided a forum for conversation about the experiences of the trip We are told that this was a highlight for all The next morning was the completion of the Bucio site and then on to Dorado Andaluz, Suzanne Randall, three hours north, directions were given but the rural nature of the location turn right at the big rock forced a direct intervention! Yes, a guide was dispatched to assist the team to the site Quickly and efficiently the horses were processed a sandwich was consumed and the guide took the team to El Dorado PRE, John and Ellen Mooney One hour north and a patient group of people waited in the cold, dark and rainy, Northern California night Floodlights were provided and the atmosphere heated up Despite the late hour and many hours of awaiting the team everyone was “Glad to be at the dance” -Special note, a gelding was presented for inscription, the owner wanted to show him in dressage as a PRE and not as an Andalusian - For this a Carta is required The Mooney hospitality is legendary and this was born out with food, wine and a hug as the team hurried to the cars for a four hour drive to the Northern coast Chris and Betsy Ketchams expansive Paicines Ranch The final site and some 80 horses Ketcham Ranch was a part of Northern California but was organized solely by Betsy and Chris completely Once the declaration of inscription and revision was made, the Ketcham’s gathered area breeders and included all who showed interest The obvious dedication and clear leadership made this site a stand alone The site was completed in one day and the team was done and off to San Francisco for a few hours of shopping and a return flight to Spain The stories lend decoration to the tapestry of this journey, one can not tell all in this article, suffice it to say that the journey was as diverse as the people of California! Washington State was originally slated for this trip but due to weather they asked to be re-scheduled Based on the cold, rainy California weather, say no more about Snow, Avalanche, closed passes and our Canadian Bretheren facing the overwhelming odds to be at the site We understand We wish you good luck in April in Florida, Texas and Washington state

Author: Jacqueline Suechting