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2009 Membership Renewals Are Due !





Dear Fellow USPRE Member,



We have now completed a terrific year and it is now time to renew your USPRE membership for 2009!


Membership Renewals are now due for the Membership year of January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009


To submit your membership renewal fees - you may choose from the following options:

By credit card – Click here to pay on-line https://services.usprea.com/page_id=31

By check - Please mail your check payable to United States PRE Association to our office:



United States PRE Association

Administration Office

5440 E Farr Road

Fruitport, Michigan 49415


For inquiries, please call Mrs Joan Mack Tel: 561 420 3147 or emailExecutiveDirector@usprea.com


[caption id="attachment_965" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Joan Mack"]Joan Mack[/caption]


Renew your membership today so you don’t miss a thing!



The United States PRE association USPRE is legally constituted as a not-for-profit organization Membership dues and donations are tax deductible