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2012 Palm Beach Derby


2012 Palm Beach Dressage Derby High Point Challenge

[caption id="attachment_4140" align="aligncenter" width="281" caption="Cuatrero & Mica Mabragana"][/caption] Seven PRE horses, from Youth divisions through International, competed for the USPRE High Point Awards at this year's Palm Beach Dressage Derby in Loxahatchee, Florida This year's competition was made even more difficult by new tougher standards, weather, soundness issues, and a long wait for a final scorebut by the end of the day on Sunday, the results were in and Argentina's Mica Mabragana walked away with both the CDI and National awards [caption id="attachment_4141" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption="Infanta & Mica                         "]Infanta & Mica[/caption] On the first day, Francesca Nicoletti set the pace in the National levels with a score of 65208 % in Training Level with her horse Fogoso L, a score which was closely contested by Endel Ots and Gorrion on Saturday at the Prix St George with score of 65395, who took over the lead [caption id="attachment_4143" align="aligncenter" width="297" caption="Gorrion & Endel Ots"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_4152" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Fogoso & Francesca Nicoletti"][/caption] Mica Mabragana, who on Mary Magee's 6 year old mare Infanta had won the High Point the previous weekend at the Florida Classic, missed the mark with the mare's career- first First Level test early on Saturday The pair went on to score over 70400 % later in the day at Training Level, but new USPRE rules that only allow scores from the highest level competed by horse and rider together kept that score from counting The three riders would have to face off again on Sunday  The day started with a magnificent wind and rain storm that thundered through the Everglades bringing down tents and dropping temperatures by almost 20 degrees Francesca made the wise decision to scratch Fogoso, and Gorrion Penatoro was just slightly less brilliant at the Test of Choice due to the high winds and difficult environment As luck would have it, Infanta's last First Level would be held at the very end of the day on Sunday, late enough to let the bad weather blow through The mare and her rider rose to the occasion, putting down a decisive 677 % to seal the victory!  [caption id="attachment_4144" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Infanta & Mica"][/caption] The young Argentine and her 11 year old Cuatrero were also the High Score of the International levels, also with a bit of luck when both the other contestants scratched the class Their Prix St George score of 648 % carried the weekend for the CDI award Congratulations to all who participated and who kept the fun and good sportsmanship in this weekend's competition The next High Point in the Florida series will be held at the upcoming Wellington Dressage Classic CDI 3 at the new Global Dressage Festival on March 15-18 2012   [caption id="attachment_4153" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kiwi & Sophie Hoffman"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_4154" align="aligncenter" width="359" caption="Mica Mabragana - 2012 Palm Beach Dressage Derby High Point Champion"][/caption]