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2017 Conformation Rules & Regulations


2017 Conformation Rules & Regulations: 13-point summary of the latest incorporations



The 2017 Conformation-Functionality Competition Rules and Regulations for Purebred Spanish Stallions and Mares came into effect on December 26, 2016  ANCCE has drafted this simplified version of the main points of interest for breeders and to help organizers and associations adapt to the changes while at the same time comply with all obligations   


1  ANCCE National Competition

Competitions with this category may be judged by two 2 or three 3 Conformation Judges and by one 1 or two 2 Functionality Judges, who shall always be selected from a draw

Regarding the international scene, National Competitions shall be judged by at least one 1 Conformation Judge and one 1 Functionality Judge, who shall always be selected from a draw

The exception would be those competitions in which the participation the previous year had less than fifty 50 horses In such cases, the event may be judged by a single Conformation Judge in both section and always with the prior approval of the Competition Commission


2  ANCCE Regional Competitions

Regional Competitions may be judged by one 1 or two 2 Conformation Judges who shall always be selected from a draw The Functionality Judge is optional


3  Admissions Panel AP

This Panel verifies that the phenotypic integrity of a horse has not been altered artificially with paint, dye, hair extensions on the mane and tail, etc Should such alterations be found, the Organizing Committee will be informed  


4  Prohibited Products and Substances

All information relative to this paragraph is being drafted by the Pharmacology Department at the School of Veterinarian Science at the University of Cordoba In due course, a full list of prohibited substances and products will be published


5  System to Select Judges

All Judges shall be chosen based on a draw, which will be directly supervised by the Technical Committee of Judges


6  Categories for Judges

a National Judges:  A maximum of fifteen 15 National Judges shall be elected annually for Conformation Competitions, in addition to the three 3 substitute judges Likewise, a maximum of ten 10 judges shall be chosen for Functionality as well as three 3 substitutes Substitute Judges shall work at National Competitions only if the need should arise, alternating the two categories if necessary

b Regional Judges:  These would be the rest of the Judges on the official list, except those who fail to obtain the annual authorization to judge Regional Judges may judge regional competitions only, whether in Spain or internationally, except national substitute judges, who may judge National Competitions when the circumstances so demand Regional Judges are affected by the same obligations as National Judges, as indicated in Article 38

Throughout the year, the Technical Committee of Judges is authorized to propose the upgrade or downgrade disqualification of judges


7  Judging Model

The judging for World Purebred Spanish Horse Championship qualifier competitions shall be as follows:

a Competitions with more than one 1 Conformation Judge: 

Judges may talk among themselves, share impressions and agree about what they deem appropriate, but each Judge must complete his/her own score sheet individually  The final score shall be obtained based on the mathematical average

b Competitions with more than one 1 Functionality Judge: 

Judging shall be carried out jointly, and the score provided on a single score sheet based on consensus 


8  Procedure in the Arena 

Presenters are limited to two 2 minutes and fifteen 15 seconds to present their horses in movement  After this time, horse and rider shall be called to the center of the arena  Any movement performed outside the established time slot shall not be taken into consideration If, in fifteen 15 seconds horse and rider are not in the center of the arena, they shall be eliminated Should there be an accident or in the case of force majeure, the clock shall stop and start again once the incidence has concluded 


9 Best Breeder

The participating breeders may present an unlimited number of horses, but only the six 6 with the best scores shall be taken into consideration for the this award  At least a stallion, a mare and a 3-mare cobra must be presented at competition 


10  Special Award for Champion of Movement 

The previous system shall once again be implemented, in which there is an award for adult horses and another for young horses


11  Competencies and Responsibilities of the Technical Committee of Judges

- Designate those Judges who shall judge the World Championship Final, notifying the Competition Commission in advance  Likewise, said Commission shall present the matter before the Executive Committee for approval

- Suggest the promotion and demotion of categories and the disqualification of judges, as stipulated in Article 43


12  Qualifying for SICAB

The number of qualifying horses has been increased  Independently of the number of horses in a section, the first place in each section qualifies 


13 The Executive Committee met last Friday at the main ANCCE office, to approve the proposal for the Competition Categories, as presented by the Competition Commission  To consult this information, go the link provided below



[WEB] Competition Categories: http://www.anccees/nueva/concursos/morfologicos