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Sevilla, April 30, 2008

The 36th ANCCE General Assembly was held at the Barceló Renacimiento Hotel, located on the Isla de la Cartuja of Sevilla, with the following agenda:

  1. Reading of the previous minutes
  2. Summary of the activities undertaken during 2007
  3. Approval of the treasury report and Budget
  4. President’s report
  5. Ratification of decisions made by the Board of Directors
  6. Reports from the various task forces and commissions office, selection scheme, stud book, conformation competitions, communication and sport
  7. Election of the 2008 ANCCE Honorary Member

The main agreements reached were as follows:

  • Approval of the annual accounts, which were audited by an independent consultant, in accordance with the mandate of the previous year’s assembly, this is the third consecutive year in which the accounts have been audited with no problems whatsoever, as stated by the treasurer, Mr Augusto Romero
  • Approval of the annual budget, which comes to 5,533,000 euros, with almost 800,000 euros being set aside for the international promotion of the PRE
  • Approval of a package of measures to be presented to the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, with regards to the PRE selection scheme and improvement plan
  • SICAB will next take place from the 25th to 30th of November and the guest country will be Mexico
  • It has been decided to make Mr José Antonio Leiva the Honorary Member of ANCCE in memoriam

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The President of ANCCE, Mr Javier Conde Cerrato highlighted that the PRE Stud Book is starting to take shape and increase in content, despite the fact that during its first year of life, data collection has been a problem He also underlined that all of the 2007 foals complying with the conditions of reliability and parentage maintained by the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book have received their documentation, and efforts are being made to resolve those cases that are still pending, whether this be by requesting blood formulas from the previous Stud Book managing authority, or by the extraction of blood from those progenitors, in those cases in which the said blood formulas are missing The President of ANCCE also suggested adapting the by-laws to declare ANCCE a General Interest Foundation This measure would improve the Association’s evaluation when requesting grants and aid, and would provide considerable fiscal savings in terms of corporate tax A video was then presented, of the new, 4000 square meter Association offices, located at the Dehesa de Valme Technological Park in Dos Hermanas—a four million euro project Work is due to start in the second semester of 2008, and be finished in 2011 To conclude, Mr Javier Conde Cerrato wanted to highlight the increase in the number of Breeder members in 2007; an increase from 763 to 835 This represents a 20% increase, thus demonstrating the growth of this business sector