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36th General Assembly



Sevilla, April 3, 2008  Dear Members: Following the instructions of our President, Mr Javier Conde Cerrato, and in accordance with that which has been established in our regulations, I am notifying you of the Ordinary General Assembly of ANCCE, which will take place in the Hotel Barceló Renacimiento, in the city of Sevilla Isla de la Cartuja, on the 26th April at 10 am for the first calling and 1030 am for the second, in accordance with the following: ORDER OF THE DAY

  1. Reading and approval of the 2007 Ordinary General Assembly minutes, or, as would be the case, the approval of the report of any changes in the minutes
  2. Summary of the 2007 activities
  3. Reading and approval of the 2007 Treasury Report, including Balance and Accounts
  4. Approval of the 2008 Budget
  5. President’s report
  6. Ratification by the Assembly of the agreements made by the ANCCE Board of Directors since April 2007 and for the first quarter of 2008
  7. Reports from the various Taskforces created during this year:
    1. Stud Book
    2. Selection scheme
    3. Conformational Competitions
    4. Competitive/Sports
    5. Communications
    6. Office
  8. Election of the 2008 Honorary Member of ANCCE
  9. Various matters
  10. Any other business

As is traditional, upon conclusion of the Assembly, ANCCE invites all members to the annual luncheon Each member stud farm will have two free places at the said luncheon Should you be planning to attend the said luncheon with guests, reservations are €60 per person If you are interested in attending, please return the completed reservation form, including the number of guests to calculate the number of people attending the luncheon Should it be impossible for you to attend, included herein is the proxy voting form, which, if you are planning to use it, must be completed and sent, together with a photocopy of your ID card, to the ANCCE offices In the hope of seeing at the Assembly, I would like you wish you the very best Yours faithfully, José Díaz Solís Secretary ANCCE Download proxy voting form