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ANCCE President. Javier Conde Speaks at Equestrian Forum


Javier Conde, ANCCE President, Speaks at the Opinion Forum held at the Real Maestranza on Saturday, March 17th 2012

[caption id="attachment_4181" align="aligncenter" width="201" caption="D Javier Conde"][/caption] “THE SPANISH IS INVOLVED IN A FULL BLOWN INTERNATIONALIZATION PROCESS: 24% OF THE HERD RESIDES OUTSIDE THE BORDERS OF SPAIN” The President of the National PRE Breeders’ Association ANCCE, Javier Conde, confirmed that the Spanish horse is involved in a full blown internationalization process which incorporates breeders from new countries every year, “ which contrasts, ” he added, “ with the situation here in Spain, where the registrations have decreased considerable ”  Saturday morning, Javier Conde spoke at the 7th Equestrian Workshop organized by the Spanish Horse Opinion Forum at the Royal Order of Chivalry of Sevilla, and sponsored by ANCCE within the activities programmed to celebrate its 40th Anniversary Under the general title “The Purebred Spanish Horse and its applications in the current economic setting,” there were talks by historians and specialists in the various equestrian disciplines, including dressage, show jumping, doma vaqueraalta escuala Spanish high school, carriage driving, mounted bull fighting and acoso y derribo The President of ANCCE referred to the consequences of the economic crisis on the sector, which has placed a number of breeders in a very difficult situation “However, we have to try to find opportunities in this time of crisis, since it is probable that there will be a qualitative, rather than a quantitative advance in the breed, driven by two factors: the selective process by the breeders themselves, who will focus their breeding objectives on their best horses during the recession and, on the other hand, the participation in the tests within the Breeding Program, which are producing results that the current market is demanding” Javier Conde referred to two aspects to analyze the current market situation  In Spain, registrations of horses in 2011 have fallen more than 30%  This is a true reflection of the general situation affecting Spanish breeders However, registrations abroad have grown by 7% in that same period, which indicates that the Spanish Horse is immersed in a universal globalization process as is demonstrated by the fact that 24% of the total number of PRE, already resides in other countries "This second aspect” - he commented – “is the one that we must boost markets abroad in these difficult times In recent years, we have seen considerable grow in the demand in such countries as Jordan, Israel, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary and many others that are starting to join the exciting world of the Spanish Horse" The Equestrian Workshop, the inauguration of which included the Archivist of the Royal Order Marcelo Maestre and the President of the Spanish Horse Opinion Forum Ernesto Vázquez, defended the versatility of the Purebred Spanish Horse thanks to great advantages is offers in a variety of uses  During the conclusions, the former Minister of Labor and PRE breeder, Manuel Pimentel, gave a speech titled “Horses and men, biography of a shared pathway”  The event also enjoyed an equestrian exhibition in the Bullring, owned by the Royal Order, under the direction of Álvaro Domecq Romero