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Saturday, June 28, at 10:30 am first call and 11:00 am second call

The ANCCE Board of Directors has summonsed the Ordinary General Assembly to be held in the city of Sevilla, at the hotel known as Hotel Silken Al-Andalus, located on the street known as Avenida de la Palmera, at the corner of the street, calle Paraná, on Saturday, the 28th of June  The first call is at 10:30 am with the second call being at 11:00 am  The Agenda includes the following matters:
1 Constitute the Assembly Desk and prepare the attendance list
2 Minutes from the 41st ANCCE General Assembly; verify that these have been approved 
3 Appoint controllers to approve the minutes of the meeting
4 2013 Activity Report
5 Reading and approval, as would be the case, of the 2013 treasury report accounting statement, results and annual report
6 Reading and approval, as would be the case, of the 2014 budget
7 Report by the President
8 Approval, as would be the case, of the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors  
9 PRE Stud Book Report
10 Election of the 2014 ANCCE Honorary Member
11 Q&A
In compliance with the mandates of Article 30, paragraph 2 of the ANCCE Statutes, members are informed that the constitution of the General Assembly is considered valid with the second call, whatever the number of members present in the Hall 
Right to Information: all members enjoy the right to request clarifications, data and/or information about the matters included on the Agenda during the fifteen 15 days prior to the General Assembly  The Accounts, Reports and other agreements to be covered during the Assembly have been approved by the Board of Directors  Included herein is the accounting documentation See the first link provided below
Voting Rights: Only full-fledged members have voting rights, with one vote per member This vote may be delegated to another member by proxy, as stipulated in Article 31 and others of the Association Bylaws
Data Protection: members are informed that all personal data in the hands of and/or facilitated to ANCCE will be incorporated into a file for which the Association is responsible This file will be used in keeping with the laws for this matter and will be given to the Election Board so that the election process may be undertaken and the census drawn up  In any case, members may exercise their right to access, change, cancel and/or reject this information within the terms of the current legislations, and do so in writing by contacting the Association  Likewise, only essential information will be provided to the Notary who intervenes in the election and/or assembly process  
Once the Assembly has concluded, ANCCE will offer its members a traditional luncheon  Each member stud farm has two seats at the aforementioned luncheon, at no additional charge  However, if you are planning to attend with more people, you may make additional reservations for thirty euros €30  Should you be interested in attending the event with additional guests, please fill out the reservation form so that we can calculate the exact number of people at the luncheon 
Should you be unable to attend, a proxy form has been included herein This form must be filled out in full and accompanied by a photocopy of your ID and sent to the main ANCCE office
[PDF] Accounting documentation: bitly/auditoria_ancce_2013
Dpto de Comunicación

T  954 689 260      F  954 690 327      W  wwwanccecom
Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española