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A total of four P.R.E.s are present in the National Championship of Youth in the United States

Written by Lily Forado  A total of four PRES are present in the National Championship of Youth in the United States  

Festival of Champions, known as the United States National Championship, for Youth, Adults, and Young Horses, will start today and conclude on Sunday, August 25, at the Lamplight Equestrian Center Chicago Throughout the entire season, riders must score in certain nationals and internationals on the calendar for said Championship, where a ranking is generated and at the end the top best in the country will receive the invitation   

Regarding the U25 category, the Brentina Cup for Adults under U25, has a total of three PREs among the competitors The championship will require riders to run three tests in order to determine the absolute champion: Intermediate II 40 percent, Grand Prix 16-25 45 percent and Freestyle U25 15 percent Kerrigan Gluch riding Vaquero HGF raised and owned by Hampton Green Farm and current number one in the U25 ranking, Rachel Chowanec with Parsifal BRH raised by Yeguada Benito Rodríguez and Hijos and Jannike Gray with Giraldillo CEN raised by Yeguada Centurion are the three participants who will ride with a PRE on American soil  

Last but not least in the Children's Category, Justine Boyer will ride the experienced Lentisco XVIII owned by Hampton Green Farm and raised by Yeguada Victorio and Luchhino  

We will keep you posted