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ANCCE Announces New Web Project Completion

ANNCE announced its new web project completion this morning, offering to be an easier and more user-friendly website This will benefit USPRE members who reach the ANCCE site for news and information  The Press Release follows:    After intense work and dedication, we are pleased to announce the launching of ANCCE’s new web project at wwwanccecom Our web site is a much more interactive and functional means of communication  Moreover, it responds to the principles of “Responsive WebDesign” to offer optimal reading and an enhanced navigational experience when using handheld devices, whether a desktop or laptop computer, tablet or cell phone Tablets and cell phones are preference devices when using Internet; this is why we have chosen Responsive Design for our web site This technique offers the perfect solution when visualizing the site from your desktop computer or from any handheld device   We are committed to innovation; the web site launched today is more modern, accessible, more intuitive and functional Emphasis has been placed on visual contents so that viewers find what they are looking for in a simple, fast and effective manner, while adapting contents to the size of device being used   With this new web site, ANCCE attains greater presence and visibility on the World Wide Web at the global level thanks to improved positioning on the various search engines From wwwanccecom you can also connect with our profiles in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Youtube In short, this new design will meet W3C standards for web accessibility to guarantee the correct programming of the web I would like to encourage you to play an active role in this new project Please feel free to send in suggestions or contributions to help us improve our press and promotional services  Pedro Pingarrón Press, Promotion & Marketing Commission