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ANCCE Designs an Equestrian Sports Plan for Purebred Spanish Horses


he Dressage Commission is preparing a new generation of PRE horses to guarantee breed participation at competitions  

After the undisputed success of the Purebred Spanish Horse in Dressage over the past few years, ANCCE has designed a PRE defense and promotion project to aid, assist and collaborate in the preparation of Dressage horses  Our objective is to reinforce the number of quality athletes at all levels and in the long-run, recuperate the presence of Purebred Spanish Horses at the Young Horse World Championship  

The objective has been set by the Dressage sub-commission, presided by Jorge Conde  As the creator of this program, the idea is to back the up-and-coming PRE generations that are currently competing and identify those with potential for this sport from among the horses and riders actively competing in Dressage, whatever the level  

The Commission responsible for handling this project and its smooth running will be creating a qualified taskforce under the management of Jorge Conde José Antonio García Mena, Olympic rider with ample experience in Dressage will be the trainer, with the ANCCE Competition Department coordinating it all 

First of all, the taskforce will select the team  Logically, the first three winners of the 2015 ANCCE Dressage Cup will be included  Likewise, those athletes proposed by the taskforce or approved from among the requests made by breeders see appendix and sent to the ANCCE Competition Department will also be included  

Step two of the plan is to contract venues south, east and north where more generic training will be undertaken—scaled training, quality of the paces, etc  This will be followed by more specific and competitive exercises improvements, presentation, compliance with the requirements of the tests, etc Meanwhile, the technical team will carry out an in-depth follow-up of the results, developments and competition of each horse/rider chosen to later plan the corresponding objectives   

To carry out this plan, ANCCE will invest approximately 30,000 euros to fully subsidize horses and riders of those breeders who are full-fledged member of ANCCE; for those who are not members, a percentage will be provided  In this latter case, non-members will have to pay €150 per concentration/competition/course/session

This project has been planned to achieve visible results within four years  Throughout 2016, all of the work programmed will be developed so that by 2017 assessments will be seen and by 2018, the proposed results, which includes national and international competitions  

This sports program is a wonderful opportunity for breeders and riders who have their sights on the competition arena  Thanks to this program, professional orientation tools will be provided, which until now, were not within the reach of individual breeders  Whether due to unawareness and/or the high individual cost, such aspects have hindered the access of many to Dressage, in which case, many talents have been lost The program will materialize in the form of improved results for PRE horses at competition and position the breed in the field of sports  

From ANCCE, we would like to encourage breeders, both members and non-members to actively collaborate and participate in this project  Email your application form, together with a 3-minute video or the contribution you consider most appropriate to jacobo@anccecom | jcondela@gmailcom  To the extent that it is possible, we will try to incorporated and seek Dressage success among all of the Purebred Spanish Horses 

Finally, all information regarding this plan will be published on the ANCCE web site wwwanccecom in the section Competition - Dressage – Sports Program as the various developmental phases unfold  

 [PDF] Participation form: http://bitly/1T9qgA8