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ANCCE European Meetings



The ANCCE International Relations Task Force has undertaken a series of meetings with PRE breeder associations in Italy, Sweden, Germany and Holland These various meetings were held in the different countries between May 16th and 21st Interviews were held with leaders of the respective associations to discuss the following aspects:

  • Achieving unison in those countries where there is more than one association, a fact which causes difficulties in promoting and developing the PRE as a breed On the one hand, it avoids having confusing and discrepant messages being sent to breeders and local enthusiasts On the other, the differences between the associations cause unrest among aficionados, who are far from interested in “political” questions
  • Being available to the associations to work jointly on the promotional plan We have exchanged opinions on the best way to promote the PRE in each of the aforementioned countries and have shared knowledge regarding the potential needs of customers, breeders and local enthusiasts, as they are on the playing field
  • Appointing a collaborating association to work with the PRE Stud Book

The meeting was held in Verona with AIPRE and AICE; in Stockholm the PRE Breeders’ Association of Sweden and ANCPRE and in Düsseldorf, with a double session in the morning with the German Associations AACCPRE and Verein der Freunde PRE and in the afternoon with Dutch representatives and Friends of the PRE Association Both the AIPRE and the Dutch association are collaborating with the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book, and the collaborating association in Sweden was appointed A joint proposal was offered in Germany by both associations that is currently being studied and the decision will be made shortly to appoint the collaborating association All of the representatives demonstrated their willingness to work on the promotion and development of the PRE We hope to specify the actions for each of the countries visited in the upcoming months Likewise, an encounter is foreseen with the Belgian National Federation for the PRE this next week in Brussels