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Saturday, June 28th at 9:30 am for the first summons and 10:00 am for the second


The ANCCE Board of Directors has agreed to summons an Extraordinary General Assembly for its members on the 28th of June, in the city of Sevilla, at Hotel Silken Al-Andalus, at 9:30 in the morning for the initial summons, and at 10:00 in the morning for the second  The agenda includes the following matters:  



1 Constitution of the Assembly and list of attendees



2 Appointment of the inspectors for the approval of the minutes



3 Constitution of the Election Board and the celebration of elections, in keeping with Association By-laws  Opening of ballot boxes and commencement of voting process



4 Report about the voting and announcement of the newly elected Board of Directors



Right to Information: all information and documentation relative to the election process shall be published and/or issued to members in keeping with the mandates in Chapter VI of the Association By-laws and the instructions from the Election Board



Voting Rights: Voting is limited to all full-fledged members who meet on the established date for the Assembly and who comply with the requirements foreseen in Chapter VI of the Association By-laws Article 65



Personal Data Protection: Members are informed that all personal data in the hands of and/or provided to ANCCE shall be incorporated into a file for which this Association is responsible  This information shall be used in compliance with the laws of Spain for such material; said data shall be turned over to the Election Board to undertake the election process and draft the census  Members, at any time, may exercise their right to access, change, cancel and/or oppose this information in the terms established by the current legislation, by writing to the Association   Likewise, all essential data shall be provided to the Notary Public who intervenes in the election and/or Assembly process 



In the hope of seeing you at the Assembly; please accept my best wishes





Javier Conde Cerrato





T  954 689 260      F  954 690 327      W  wwwanccecom

Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española