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ANCCE Honors Founding Members & Past Presidents



The General Assembly appoints Cria Caballar as honorary member On May 19th 2012 at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones Convention Center, the ANCCE General Assembly held a commemorative ceremony, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of its creation  Thus, honors were rendered to seven previous presidents, who over the past four decades have held the governing reins, and the 22 breeders who founded the organization    Likewise, this 40th anniversary of ANCCE coincides with the centennial of the PRE Stud Book, which is the only official register for PRE Horses, and that was created in 1912  For 95 years, the stud book was handled and managed by the Armed Forces of Spain through the office which is known today as Organismo Autónomo Cría Caballar de las Fuerzas Armadas popularly known as Cría Caballar  In 1997, the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain granted ANCCE, as the organization that represented most of the sector, with this task   The ANCCE General Assembly, at the proposal of its President, appointed Cría Caballar as honorary member in recognition of its extraordinary work undertaken for almost a century to preserve and develop the purity of the Purebred Spanish Horse    In his report, the President of ANCCE, Javier Conde, pointed out that the extremely complex situation that the sector is undergoing as a consequence of the economic crisis “demands that today, more than ever before, all breeders must pull together and concentrate our efforts to guarantee the future of the Spanish Horse above and beyond any personal interests” This future, Conde added, is marked by two circumstances that are currently seen: a decrease in breeding in Spain and an increase outside our borders  The first of these is pushing breeders to be more selective with the horses they produce, which in the mid-term will translate into an exponential improvement in the quality of the herd  The second has materialized in the establishment of the Purebred Spanish Horse on international markets, with all the advantages this entails” The Annual Stud Book Report, provided by director Arancha Rodríguez Sáenz de los Terreros, underscored the fact that the PRE herd, as of December 31, totaled 199,000 horses in more than 60 countries  During the first quarter of 2012, that number had surpassed the 200,000 mark thanks to the registration of new births Honors After having concluded business as established on the agenda, the Assembly proceeded to render honors as programmed to celebrate ANCCE’s 40th anniversary   ANCCE President, Javier Conde, and Distrito Este Alderman, Ignacio Manuel Flores Berenguer, offered commemorative plaques to seven previous presidents or their heirs:  Juan Manuel Urquijo Novales, Conde de Odiel;  Jesús Terry Merello; Francisco Alba Ayala; Manuel Novales Vasco; Carmen Martínez de Sola y Coello de Portugal; Ignacio Candau Fernández-Mensaque and Adolfo Sánchez de Movellán Ruíz This was followed by commemorative diplomas being given to the 22 founding members who in 1972, launched  the National Purebred Spanish  Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain: Fermín Bohórquez Escribano; Alfredo Erquicia Guardiola; José Luis Escalera de la Escalera; Mª Fernanda Escalera de la Escalera; Francisco Fernández Daza y Fernández de Córdoba; Alvaro Vázquez-Armero y Durán; Marquees of Salvatierra; Widow and children of Miguel Angel Cárdenas Llavanera; Hacienda La Plata, Ganadería Isabel Merello, Widow of Terry, Aniceto Fernández Ordás; Francisco Lazo Díaz; Enrique Lovera Porras; José Mª de Oriol y Urquijo; Antonio Diosdado Palacios; José Luis Marín García;  Teodoro Valentín Layos; Francisco Alba Ayala; Alvaro Domecq y Díez; Miguel Granda Torres; Manuel Martínez Boloix and Fernando Baones  These last two were represented by their heirs  Along the accesses to the Assembly Hall, participants could view the finalists of the “Cover Horse” photographic contest, sponsored by ANCCE within the scope of its 40th anniversary   The winner was Daniel Susaeta Ruiz from Yeguada Susaeta, with a photograph titled La Curiosidad Curiosity  This photography will be the cover horse for the magazine El caballo español in the month of November, coinciding with SICAB