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ANCCE January 2009 Newsletter


Sevilla, February 3, 2009



During 2008, the following LG PRE ANCCE services were carried out: registration has been requested for 13,342 horses, from those born in 2008 and requested this same year Of these, 8,886 have been registered In addition, as at the 31st of December, there were 2,998 blood samples being analyzed in the laboratory and 1,458 requests being processed from stud farms throughout Spain

Basic evaluations for breeding stock: 7,507 evaluations have been carried out, and on the 31st of December a further 1,300 were being processed During 2007 6,784 evaluations were performed; this therefore represents a 10% increase over the previous year Ownership cards: 18,252 cards were sent out in 2008, compared to the 22,437 in 2007 Numbers are decreasing, and will further decrease with time This is because it was a new document that only appeared in 2007 and demand will continue to fall as time passes, due to the fact that all the registered horses will have acquired their card Moreover, foals born as of 2007 automatically incorporate the ownership card in their passports Interestingly, there were 4,278 changes in ownership changes registered with the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book in 2008 compared to 171 in 2007 This service brings to light the change of ownership of a horse, and these numbers indicate the commerce during the year 20,967 passports were issued in 2008, compared with 1,684 in 2007 Bear in mind that throughout 2008, the LGPREANCCE Stud Book has been completing requests from 2007 due to computer problems To date, 14,547 horses have been bloodtyped free of charge In 2007, 15,748 PRE horses benefited from this service, which means that the blood bank at our laboratory is almost complete

On the international scene, in 2008 1,068 evaluations were carried out in 18 countries As of mid 2007 to date, 1,102 registrations corresponding to 24 countries were performed, and, as of the 31st of December, a further 886 were being processed In this section, we have been faced with some difficulties due to a lack of the DNA for some horses in countries on the American continent This made it impossible for us to apply the general procedure and led to us having to analyze case by case to correctly identify each foal Needless to say, this slowed down the registration process Nevertheless, thanks to the collaboration of the breeders and associations in these countries, we have been able to collect most of the DNA formulas from the approved international laboratories that pooled resources with the previous of the Stud Book agent Finally, 2,501 ownership cards have been sent out since the second semester of 2007



ANCCE has published a book about the PRE that seeks to be a guide for all those

who show interest in the PRE It contains articles on conformation, history, competitive aptitudes, the selection scheme, SICAB, etc This quality publication offers texts and a extraordinary presentation The PRE Horse Book has one hundred-forty pictures and includes the opinions of Álvaro Domecq, Rafael Soto, Félix Brasseur and Juan Carlos Altamirano, among others The PRE Horse Book has been published separately in both Spanish and English and will shortly be sent to members by courrier



ANCCE is promoting meetings in various countries to promote ties among breeders the world over and to share information and experiences in an effort to introduce a component of internationalization to the competitions with PRE participation These forums have a conference-discussion design and will cover current topics about the breed, so as to deepen PRE knowledge After the forum, there will be a cocktail so that the breeders can freely discuss matters of interest For this year 2009, forums will be organized in Costa Rica, Ecuador, the United States and Mexico ANCCE will design a travel program for those breeders who are interested in participating



As you know, ANCCE is responsible for carrying out the PRE Selection Scheme, by

order of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs Ministry of

Agriculture As a result of the third genetic evaluation carried out by the Genetics Department at the University of Cordoba, we would like to inform that ANCCE has published the catalogue of those PRE horses that have reached the category of YOUNG RECOMMENDED BREEDING STOCK for the discipline of Dressage in 2008 The data utilized for the genetic evaluation was obtained at the Young Horses Selection Tests PSCJ for Dressage Recently, the fourth genetic evaluation for this discipline was held and it included the horses that participated in the 2008 PSCJ In short, the 2009 Catalogue of Young

Recommended Breeding Stock will be published All the information regarding to the Selection Scheme can be found on the ANCCE

Website: http://www.anccees/esquemadeseleccion /

ANCCE encourages breeders to participate with their horses in the various

performance tests within the framework of the PRE Selection Scheme, for the

subsequent genetic evaluation in each of the disciplines contemplated, including

Dressage, Conformation and Riding If you would like to discuss any matter with regards to this, please contact Pedro J Azor at: pjazor@lganccecom



This note is to inform you about the international fairs where ANCCE will have a

stand If you are interested in participating or attending a venue, please contact the international department where information and additional contact data is

available Likewise, in due course, we will be sending out the calendar of international fairs in case you are interested in promoting your stud farm at any of these events For more information, please contact Inés Parias at the following email address: inesparias@anccecom

Currently, ANCCE will have a promotional stand at these Fairs:

Göteborg Horse Show Eurohorse 2009: 1922 February, Svenska Mässan,

Goteborg Sweden

Equitana 2009: 14th to 22nd March, Essen Germany

Royal Show 2009: 7th to 10th July, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire Coventry, United Kingdom

Fiera Cavalli 2009: 5th to 8th November 2009, Verona Italy



Continuing with the Promotion Plan and specifically with regards to clinics abroad, three clinics took place in December Two of these were in Australia and one in New Zealand We had the collaboration of the PRE breeder associations of Australia PREAA and New Zealand ACPRE New Zealand as well as that of the breeder, Cristina Wilkins, who acted as translator They were taught by Ignacio Bravo, rider, conformation judge and PRE breeder; and attended by one hundred riders and breeders, with an average of thirty participants per clinic They took place on the 6th and 7th December in Christchurch, New Zealand, the 12th and 13th Dec in Queensland and the 14th and 15th December in Melbourne, both the latter cities, in Australia They were a huge success Those attending were delighted with all the information given them by Ignacio Bravo The clinics took place in two parts, one theoretical and the other practical The contents were adapted to the requirements demanded at each one of the clinics, but basically all three covered aspects of the conformation and presentation in competitions: the selection, training, handling; and aspects of Dressage and of horsemanship in general ANCCE is trying to deepen the knowledge about PRE horses and to do this it will, during 2009, continue organizing clinics throughout the whole of Spain and the world The purpose of these is to train the breeders and owners about the topics that are more usually of interest and in this way ensure that the PRE horse is suitably prepared so as to be able to best enjoy it



Jerez and to be precise, the CAR ANCCE High Performance facilities, was chosen this weekend by the Spanish National Manager Jean Bemelmans to hold a Dressage clinic The event was organized by the Royal Equestrian Federation of Spain It was a closed clinic with a large number of participants, including important horses riders such as Iberis, ridden by Antonio Blanco, Armas Tarugo, ridden by Ignacio Bravo, Norte, ridden by José Antonio García Mena and Activo, ridden by Abel Salguero The twoday clinic was held on the 23rd and 24th of January, under the management of the Belgian expert



The magazine El Caballo Español begins yet another year of service Once again, we would like to encourage breeder participation in the upcoming six issues work for which has already begun It is our desire to improve and expand the contents of the magazine and to become one of the best equestrian magazines of Spain All informative material, whether reports, news, or pictures of interest related to the PRE, are of great use to us Lastly, the advertising options available in the magazine, El Caballo Español, must be mentioned Please remember that for any type of advertising there is a 20 % discount for full members of ANCCE If you would like us to send magazinerelated information, please contact the Chief Editor, José Antonio Fdz Lineros, at revista@anccecom, Inmaculada Rodríguez at nsa@anccecom For advertising, please contact Joan Mack US ElCaballoAdverst@aolcom or Alejandro Sánchez at comercial@anccecom

 ANCCE WEBSITE: wwwanccecom

Horses for Sale

Please remember that the ANCCE Website offers you the opportunity to display

details of any horses that you may currently have for sale, free of charge For this

service, you must request the questionnaire and send it along with a maximum of four photos per horse to: prensa@anccecom


Link your stud farm to the ANCCE Website

Likewise, you can send us your web address and ANCCE can create a link from the ANCCE website Thus, visitors of wwwanccecom can go directly to your stud arms more easily Please send your Internet address so that we can create those links You can consult the list of Websites belonging to our breeders at:


El Caballo Español Magazine

The El Caballo Español magazine is now available in Flash format at

http://www.anccees/ver_revistaphp Thanks to Internet, we hope to show our magazine to everyone, using an interactive format and with improved graphics and display quality, which will differentiate this publication from other magazines in the equestrian sector You can also make use of the pdf download option and the zoom applications to print out the magazine for easier reading