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  [caption id="attachment_4728" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer, Javier Conde, Dr Arancha Rodriguez, Alexander Zilo[/caption] The President of ANCCE, Javier Conde and the Head of the LG Stud Book, Dr Arancha Rodriguez spent two days in the USPRE Wellington offices on Monday, September 17th and Tuesday, September 18th 2012 Present for USPRE were President, Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer and Vice President & ANCCE Delegate, Alexander Zilo The bilateral meetings were agreed to be held twice in 2012 following the transfer of North American Stud Book responsibilities from the LG Miami office to USPRE The topics discussed covered Stud Book operations, qualified tribunals TRC, morphology shows, communications, marketing & promotion, breed copyrights and an assortment of  matters particularly relevant and unique to North American breeders The next meetings will be held during SICAB 2012 in Sevilla, Spain USPRE President, Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer said - “ The past eight months have put flesh and blood on what was formerly an agreement in theory on paper In this short time, the USPRE/ANCCE agreement has produced a fully functioning mechanism for servicing the American PRE community like never before We appreciate the personal concern and effort put forth by Sr Conde on behalf of our breeders, evidenced by his enthusiasm for our new offices and operations and his thoughtful advice We have come away with a number of recommendations from Mr Conde and staff that we look forward to implementing, to continue to improve our services to our members and the larger PRE community “ Arancha Rodriguez also took time to sit with USPRE staff and review procedures [caption id="attachment_4727" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Silvia Munoz, Dr Arancha Rodriguez, Tanya Duffy[/caption]