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ANCCE Members To Enjoy Benefts with Discounts on PRE Studbook Fees


The 43rd General Assembly of the National PRE Breeders’ Association ANCCE was held on Saturday, the 30th of May at Bodegas Real Tesoro in Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz  The Assembly ratified various points on the Agenda, including the 2014 annual accounts, the 2015 budget with more than 3 million euros, and the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors    

The measure to offer Discounts to Members is a milestone in Association history with the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture and the European Commission

In his report, Juan Tirado, the President of ANCCE, pointed out that “today is a very important day for members of ANCCE  Once and for all, we will harvest the fruits of all those who have invested almost three decades of efforts, with the approval of a discount on the fees for services provided by the PRE Stud Book, all of which will benefit members of ANCCE”  

The Association is making great efforts to maintain services and create new ones without generating losses  What is even more important is that this benefits full-fledged members of ANCCE, which is a major objective, established by the current Board of Directors, chosen at the past elections

Currently, ANCCE is working to focus its efforts towards promoting the Purebred Spanish Horse, both within Spain and abroad  These efforts seek to position the brand ANCCE, PRE and SICAB as well as Spain in the spotlight  “In this regard, we are already working to set foot in new markets, those that are considered strategic and offer potential, such as Russia and China,” explained Tirado

In her annual report, the Stud Book Director, Arancha Rodríguez Sáenz de los Terreros, pointed out that “the PRE herd as of December 31, 2014 had 219,377 horses, distributed among more than sixty countries, with 10,166 new foals having been registered in the Birth Register”  

On its 25th anniversary, SICAB returns to its traditional dates: November 17-22

The Assembly considered the change of dates for SICAB 2015 as being extremely positive  By returning to a more traditional date—from the 17th to the 22nd of November—the idea is to facilitate and favor greater participation of breeders and enthusiasts from all over the world, who come to the largest and most important single-theme event held in Spain and dedicated exclusively to the Purebred Spanish Horse    This year, SICAB will be celebrating its silver anniversary  Thus, to commemorate such an important landmark, there will be expositions, a commemorative workshop, a SICAB promotional video and an endless number of tributes to those who have made SICAB what it is today: the greatest PRE Horse Fair in the world

The General Assembly appointed Francisco Fernández-Daza y Fernández de Córdova, in memoriam, as Honorary Member

Lastly, the Assembly named Francisco Fernández-Daza y Fernández de Córdova as the 2015 Honorary Member, in memoriam  He was a founding member of ANCCE and owner of Yeguada Fernández-Daza, the origins of which date back to the 17th and 18th century  Centuries of dedication using the Carthusian bloodline has provided the PRE herd with important examples of uniformity and beauty

Once the Assembly concluded, those in attendance visited the Real Tesoro Winery and its PRE Stud Farm