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ANCCE President's Letter


D Javier Conde, ANCCE President

Dear Breeder,

Last June, as you all know, UCCE formally requested recognition by the Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs MARM as a collaborating body with that Ministry to handle the PRE Stud Book This request was presented based on the current legislation, and by recognizing this organization, there would be two bodies handling the same Stud Book To add legitimacy to their request, UCCE presented a list of more than 700 “alleged breeders,” including a hundred members of ANCCE, despite the fact that our statutes clearly state that being a member of ANCCE association means that all horses owned by said members must be represented by the association in this case, ANCCE Without going into other details, as President of ANCCE, I believe that we are facing an extremely important time for the future of our sector The crisis has hit us harshly, and now, more than ever before, we need unity to defend our interests  Certain sectors, such as the Fighting Bull, which opened up to five 5 sections of their Stud Book, have spent months negotiating unify them all into a single Stud Book, in an effort to bring greater credibility to the breed Therefore, it does not seem logical that during these times of extreme difficulty, the Spanish Horse moves in the opposite direction, which lacks all logic and practicality I know that many of you have received an enormous number of calls pressuring you to join that project, but I believe that the time has come, institutionally, to request that you offer your support and collaboration to ANCCE for many and varied reasons: -          Because ANCCE, no matter how much its enemies wish to criticize it, has dedicated 39 years standing up for a sector and has provided undeniable examples of efficiency and creativity to the benefit of the breed, both within Spain and abroad -          Because handling a Stud Book must respond to more solid criteria than an attack of self-centeredness from a gentleman who cannot accept that he lost his bid for the presidency of ANCCE at democratic elections -          Because a project to handle a Stud Book has to be supported by something more serious than by an association that does not charge fees, or like in this case, are paid by its current president, and therefore, depends on his personal whim which, as is logical, when he ceases to be the president, it is probable that these monetary contributions will also cease  What will happen then It is a good idea that, as breeder, you know all these details, as well as others that we will be reporting about; this information can be verified at the ANCCE office  With this information, you can then meditate about what you consider best for the future of the breed  However, you must make your choice freely, with no intimidation of any kind, with nobody thinking it out for you, with your decision not being the product of trying to avoid constant phone calls or being besieged at meetings or competitions Due to the above, and should you are one of those with double membership in both associations, I request you that you complete the form attached herein, delegating the representation of your mares, when negotiating with public administration and with the MARM, to ANCCE  Remember that you can send this form by fax +34954690327, e-mail ancce@anccecom or ordinary mail, but always accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card or passport If you only belong to ANCCE you need not complete the attached form To verify your membership in both associations, as is the case of many stud farms, please take a look at the following pdf:   [PDF] List of Full and Associate Members of ANCCE and UCCE: https://www.anccees/panelc/spaw/uploads/files/listado_socios_en_ancce_ucce_def_ingpdf Without further ado and confiding that you will place your trust in this, your association, which now, more than ever is in need of its members, please accept my most sincere greetings [PDF] Delegation of the representation of my mares to ANCCE:  https://www.anccees/panelc/spaw/uploads/files/delegacion_representacion_ingpdf 

Javier Conde Cerrato
