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ANCCE Reports: New Breeders Registered With The PRE Stud Book in 2016


More than 10,000 new horses were registered with the PRE Stud Book

Last year, the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book LG PRE ANCCE registered 2850 new breeder codes—including national and international breeders—from countries such as Algeria, Bahrein, and Russia, to mention a few  The PRE Stud Book also registered 10,941 new Purebred Spanish Horses, which is a 34% increase in total herd numbers for the breed  Thus, on the 31st of December, there were 231,003 horses from 31,050 active stud farms, located in 65 countries

Of the new breeders registered with the PRE Stud Book 12% more than in 2015, 34% are from abroad, with most of these being in the United States, Germany and Italy  The remaining 66% are from Spain, with Andalusia, Madrid, Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha leading the ranking

 Regarding other services offered by the PRE Stud Book, 5028 horses were assessed as having Basic Aptitudes as Breeding Stock  9129 changes of ownership were processed 

 It is important to note the number of Revisions carried out abroad by PRE Stud Book veterinarians, as they travelled to 30 different countries, including Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Bahrein, etc  This proves that the promotional efforts carried out in recent years to universalize the breed are beginning to bear fruit  Moreover, throughout the year, PRE Stud Book representatives participated in trade fairs, conventions, offered training courses for breeders and enthusiasts and held meetings with authorized veterinarians and collaborating associations to refresh and discuss new management procedures 

ANCCE’s PRE Stud Book renewed its 2016 Quality Certificate in keeping with UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 norms  This fact backs the excellence of the work carried out, which directly affects efficiency and improves the services provide to Purebred Spanish horse breeders the world over 

 Finally, thanks to the efforts of the PRE Breeding program, the more than 68,000 genetic assessments of PRE horses have been uploaded—available on the PRE Stud Book web site This is a 15% increase over last year 2015  This information is now accessible for breeders, free of charge The same holds true for all of the data contained in the Official Breeding Stock Catalog, thus making it a useful tool to contribute to improving PRE genetics  By using the Catalog, breeders increase the genetic progress in future generations, especially in the current economic situation where increased productivity and competitiveness are essential for breeders to guarantee the feasibility of their business operations