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ANCCE Scholarships


ANCCE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 5-, 6- AND 7-YEAR-OLD DRESSAGE HORSES EACH HORSE WILL RECEIVE 9,600 EUROS ANNUALLY ANCCE continues to further its plan for the promotion of the Pure Spanish Horse in Spain and abroad


The time has come to unveil one of the most futuristic and innovative initiatives: the ANCCE scholarships These scholarships have been designed to facilitate access to dressage training for those horses with a future in dressage, so they are not lost along the way to the Gran Prix level The scholarships consist of a monthly, € 800 payment to finance training expenses, maintenance and participation at competitions of 5, 6 and 7 years old horses Four horses will be chosen per level, provided that the minimum average scores are reached ANCCE seeks to consolidate these horses in competition and to help them develop their potential to the fullest The aim is to increase the level and number of riders with PRE horses that are already harvesting excellent results This is a medium-term project, in which the objective is to improve the current level of PRE horses competing in the top level tests Those horses achieving the best averages, in their level, throughout the year will be eligible for these scholarships, providing these averages exceed 67% The ANCCE Competition Commission will select the horses and riders by taking into consideration the average of the final scores achieved in three national competitions and the Young Horse Championship of Spain Every year, following the aforementioned Spanish National Championship, the commission will select the horses based on the results achieved Owners will be granted the scholarships for the following year To select the 5-year-olds, the scores in the tests for 4 years from the previous year will be taken into consideration; the same process will be followed all the way up to the 7-year olds Scholarships are granted to the horse, so if ownership changes, the new owner will automatically receive the corresponding amount, provided that the horse continues competing and the required levels of results are attained The ANCCE Competition Commission will follow the progress of each horse/rider throughout the year If due to injury or any other reason, a horse leaves the competition arena, the scholarship will be canceled automatically These scholarships will be awarded for yearly periods, with the exception stated in the previous paragraph Each year the four horses that will receive the scholarships will be selected, depending on their results The owner of the horse will sign a contract with ANCCE covering all these aspects The horse must be entered in competitions with the prefix ANCCE, and both the rider and the horse will advertise ANCCE on their clothes, according to the RFHE Royal Equestrian Federation of Spain Rules and Regulations A full copy of the rules and regulations for eligibility of Dressage scholarships will be published on the ANCCE web-site and will be sent to all the breeders