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Andalusian World Cup: Annual Member Meeting and Reception


United States PRE Association held our annual member meeting during Andalusian World Cup in Las Vegas, Nevada  The meeting took place on September 22, 2017 at the South Point Hotel & Casino   Miguel Nuñez, USPRE Vice President and Jesus Jimenez, board member attended the meeting along Tanya Duffey, Executive Director and Virginia Sabater, Studbook Coordinator

Miguel walked through some of the 2016 activities from the Board of Director’s Management Committee which consists of Kim Van Kampen, Betsy Ketcham and Miguel Nunez

The following is a summary of the activities of the Management Committee during 2016:
  • Continue to manage and oversee USPRE staff
  • We hired a new receptionist
  • Hired an Inscription Coordinator, Natalia, to handle inscriptions full time
  • Moved Tanya more aggressively into role as Executive Director, managing a three-person staff, focusing on efficiency
  • Staff attended both Spring and Fall Ferias, as well as the World Cup show in Las Vegas
  • Coordinated and held a very successful USPRE Week in January 2016
  • Coordinated two Revisions, spring and fall, including record-setting Fall Revision
  • Coordinated the California High Point Shows – announced winners
  • Coordinated the Florida High Point Shows – announced winners
  • Coordinated the COPA USPRE – announced winners
  • Continued to monitor activities of the BEC
  • Monitored and managed the BEC Budget request
  • Worked with head of the BEC on better recruitment for members
  • Continued the process of the Breeder Catalog – adding an App version for 2017 rollout
  • Monitored, twice weekly, the bank account
  • Monitored monthly Newsletter still done by staff, as well as frequently updating the USPRE website
  • Monitored our Facebook page
  • Consistently monitored price increases late inscriptions, breeder issues and other concerns when requested by Tanya and staff
  • Reviewed and approved the 2016 Global Dressage Festival Agreement Obtained two Board Members donated the funds for this sponsorship and no USPRE funds were used to sponsor this successful and important sponsorship, as in all prior years
  • Continue to monitor the website, its functionality and ease of use – began the process to find a new website administrator, focusing on a more timely communication
  • Held the Member Meeting in Las Vegas, during World Cup
  • Announced USDF All Breeds Champions in November
  • In October we held the Annual Dressage Committee meeting which Kim and Janne arrange to determine the dates for 2017 CA and FL shows and review COPA rules and results
  • Attended SICAB in November
  • Began preparation for USPRE Week, including determination of Theme
  • Betsy published the Year End Letter in December
  • Beginning the planning for:
  • Spring Feria
  • Spring Revision
  • Fall Feria
  • Fall Las Vegas show
  • Fall Feria
  • SICAB 2017

On Saturday afternoon, we held a member wine and cheese reception at our booth  It was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones  We all had a great time and it was wonderful seeing the connection among USPRE members, board members and staff  "Based on how popular your booth looked on Saturday, we know that  your guests enjoy the reception" said Mitchell Meconi a South Point Hotel Manager

Our booth was really popular during the entire show and our staff had the opportunity to signed up new members and helped breeders with their studbook paperwork  It was a fantastic show!

We look forward to seeing everyone next year at Andalusian World Cup!