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Another Exciting SICAB in Seville, Spain

A record number of members and a significant number of our Board of Directors convened in Seville for the annual International PRE Trade Fair November 15 - 20, 2016  There have been many positive additions to SICAB, including several seminars and training sessions in the various arenas, and the Breeder Exhibition house was the place to be as usual The positive excitement did not abate from Wednesday to Sunday  Several members commented that this was their  most fun and positive SICAB event in years On Thursday evening USPRE hosted our annual well-attended Wine Reception at the ANCCE booth  We were also pleased to welcome and spend quality time with Juan Tirado the president of ANCCE ANCCE moved SICAB to an earlier time in November a few years ago and this has resulted in SICAB Week attendees enjoying glorious Spanish weather of sunshine and temperatures in the 70sF every day, enticing participants to attend SICAB by day and to shop and sight-see in the historically beautiful Seville by night  For those who stayed, Sunday was the only rainy day of the weekend, capping off a busy and successful week Daniel Martin Dockx taught a Dressage Master Class on Friday morning and it was SRO along the fences that morning in the #2 Pavilion  The culmination of the week was the official retirement on Saturday night of Grandioso who was ridden by Daniel Martin Dockx to two Olympics and two Spanish Championships  It was  an emotional ceremony to watch such a successful horse celebrated in an arena full to the rafters of grateful and vocal PRE fans USPRE welcomed several ANCCE VIPs, Spanish breeders and many members to the Wine Reception  We are always so happy to see our members join us for this important week  If you missed it, make a note for 2017  This is an exciting week for our PRE horse and should NOT be missed SICAB 2014img_1289SICAB 2014seville-by-nightfullsizerender-3seville-gardenimg_1341