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Breeders Executive Committee 2015 Spring Report


The newly elected BEC met for the first time with Chairperson Ramiro Perez CA, Alfredo Gonzalez CA, Kay Greenbury MI, Bill Taylor SC, Doreen Kula NY, Sherry McGalliard TX, non-voting member Pam NelsonOH and former chairperson Betsy Ketcham attending   Adrienne LaFar SC was absent Members approved the following appointments:

 Alfredo Gonzalez - Vice Chairperson

 Sherry McGalliard - Secretary

The group discussed the 2014 activities of the BEC including sponsorships for Spring and Fall Feria del Caballo Espanol, TRC clinics in Florida and California and the popular Born in America awards program   All of these programs and their benefits to the breeder community were reviewed   They also discussed the need for more shows outside of California, with a focus on the possibility of sponsoring a new ANCCE show in either Texas or North Carolina  

Also on the agenda was an overview of the upcoming online USPRE Catalog of Breeding Stock and how valuable this new marketing tool will be for breeders nationwide    The BEC would like to see the catalog’s debut announced in a dedicated email to all breeders and USPRE members

Chairman Perez invited all BEC members to attend the Spring Feria del Caballo Espanol, with the hopes that the group can meet informally in person at the show and also to be available meet with exhibitors and breeders in the USPRE lounge

The BEC will reconvene during mid April to finalize any show sponsorship decisions and/or other activities under consideration