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Breeders' Executive Committee Mulls Fall 2016 TRC, Show Sponsorships

February 2016 Meeting Minutes are posted  Present at the meeting were Chair Ramiro Perez, Alfredo Gonzalez, Bill Taylor, Adrienne LaFar, Sherry McGalliard  Not present: Kay Greenbury and Doreen Kula The meeting was called to order at 5 pm via conference call  The meeting minutes from 10/30/2015 were approved The Board of Directors has requested that the BEC present a list of shows and/or projects to be funded for 2016, in writing  One of the items that the BEC will be coordinating with the Board and USPRE staff is a TRC in the fall of this year  The Board will be represented in this process by the TRC Coordinator, Bill Taylor, and Adrienne LaFar on the BEC, and Tanya Duffey from the USPRE staff The TRC discussion begins with the date which must be approved by ANCCE  This project will include promotion, cost, venues, education, early registration and more The discussion moved to which shows to sponsor including additional shows that should be considered  Some research on these additional shows must be completed first  We have already heard from breeders about an interest in the TRC this year There was a discussion about having a Standard of Care policy  There has been research into other organization’s policies  Some representative policies were distributed and discussion will continue at the next meeting In accordance with the BEC bylaws, the BEC may appoint up to 2 members from its body to the USPRE Board of Directors beginning this year  A motion was made to appoint Sherry McGalliard and Bill Taylor to the BOD  This motion passed and Sherry will notify Joan Mack that this has been completed  As soon as the Board approves, these two members will be on the BOD for a three-year term  Due to these appointments, two new people will be called to the BEC to fill these vacancies  This will be done in the next two weeks and the names will be sent to the executive director and the Board of Directors for publication  Normal elections will take place following the bylaws With no further discussions, Bill asked that the BEC meet again about the TRC He will talk to Joan and to Tanya about some of the details that must be done before we set the date  He will report back to the BEC  It was agreed that the BEC will meeting again within the next two weeks Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm Captura de pantalla 2016-02-04 a las 102936 1