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CA High Point Season Is Off and Running!


 Cindy Ramirez and Carina HGF

Shae Bella Lovazzano and Tracio

 Shelley Clark and Norteno

The CA High Point Series started last weekend at Gilroy Gaits Dressage, where USPRE members Cindy Ramirez-Smith, Shae Lovazzano and Shelly Clark took home the honors 

Cindy Ramirez on Carina HGF were the winners of the Open National Levels High Point with 69697 at Second Level Shelly Clark on Norteno VII were the highest scoring pair in the AA National Levels Division with 6300 at Fourth Level And Shae Bella Lovazzano on Tracio qualified for both JR/YR High Point and Open FEI High Point winners, with 6539 and a close 2nd place in a large class at Prix St George
Congratulations to all and looking forward to a heated contest next weekend at Golden State Dressage!