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Conde Denounces Mundial


ANCCE President Blasts Mundial

[caption id="attachment_3106" align="aligncenter" width="215" caption="May/June 2011"]May/June 2011[/caption]

ANCCE President, Javier Conde boldly addresses the chaos caused by Mundial in the May/June addition of EL Caballo magazine

Letter  from the ANCCE President

" In recent weeks,there are several circumstances that I would like to comment about from our magazine, which is an opinion platform, and given the relevance of these circumstance within the context of the PRE Horse and, specifically, within the realm of ANCCE First of all, I want to refer to the announcement by the Ministry of of the Environment and Rural and Marine Resources about the subject of the registrations that the so-called PRE Mundial seeks to promote The official position, clarified after a consultation by ANCCE, is overwhaelming and leaves no room for doubt ANCCE is the only association recognized to handle the Stud Book for Purebred Spanish Horses LG PRE ANCCE and the registrations taking place with world over by "PRE Mundial" "have no official recognition on behalf of Spain, are they valid with regards to the native breed of Spain the Purebred Spanish Horse" The competent authority warns in its answer that breeders must be aware of these details to avoid misunderstandings that could be detrimental At ANCCE, this is currently one of the tasks we are taking on with great zeal, informing the sector and trying to call attention to the lies reaching them from a number of biased sources It is regrettable that due to a simple question of interests, an element of confusion has been introduced into a sector that already faces a number of problems due to the crises I would like to repeat this message It is an ungrounded , senseless initiative, which has no official authority To continue promoting and ensnaring breeders for this register is something that borders a total lack of ethics For that reason, it is still more incomprehensible that a minority association within the sector maintains an ambiguous position that could be understood as a connivance, if not support Meanwhile, I would like to continue with the second topic: the PRE Stud Book, handled by ANCCE, which continues to work intensively, thanks to which, the stud book has earned international recognition Recently, the Stud Book management structure has been renewed to reinforce this new era after Pedro Rey stepped down as Technical Manager From here I would like to express our appreciation to Pedro for his excellent work while at the same time, offer all our support to the new Technical Director, Arancha Rodriguez Sainz de los Torreros and her team, who make up the family of ANCCE The Stud Book handles the data of more than 185,000 PRE horses from all over the world and does so with total guarantee for effectiveness and reliability, for the peace of mind of breeders in more than 50 countries " [caption id="attachment_3107" align="alignleft" width="201" caption="Javier Conde Cerrato"]Javier Conde Cerrato[/caption]