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Courtney Is Back !


Courtney Dye Teaches Her First Clinic Since March 2010


Courtney Dye is back in the instructor's seat, six months after a devastating head injury and coma Last weekend she visited her sponsor Kim Boyer at  Hampton Green Farm in Michigan, in particular to spend time with PRE stallion, Grandioso--Courtney's WEG-hopeful horse prior to her accident Maria Lithander has been keeping Grandioso fit and tuned over the summer, and Courtney wanted to work with Maria for a few days with the horse Additionally, Courtney took the microphone and taught Maria on five other horses over two mornings "Riding with Courtney again was an amazing feeling," says Lithander "As always, she didn't let me get away with anything, and her attention to detail and logical way of letting me know what she was looking for, made her lessons extremely helpful I am so happy that she is back, sharing her knowledge and incredible feeling for dressage as she always has"

Courtney has been involved with PREs for over two years, since first receiving Grandioso in training in March 2008, and plans to continue riding a number of them when she is physically able She has been vocal in the past in many publications about her love for the breed and is happy lend her image to USPRE for promotion of the PRE horse for dressage

"I simply loved my time at Hampton Green in Michigan," says Dye "I loved seeing Grandioso, Cuatrero, and all the babies Even if it killed me not to ride, I really enjoyed teaching! I have to say, when I woke up from the coma I was sure if I were to lose anyone it would be Kim because she has a business I love Grandioso, so the thought made me sad When I learned she was keeping him for me, I was so happy, it really meant a lot to me I know a lot of people were impressed with his movement and would have happily ridden him, but he's mine! Don't even think about it!"

"Hearing Courtney again over the mic teaching was one of the highlights of the year for me," says Boyer "She is as sharp and effective as ever in her instruction, and we hope that these small doses are benefiting her as well We look forward to working with her more regularly in Wellington this winter"

Courtney continues to make her comeback a full-time occupation through continued out-patient physical, occupational and speech therapy She is also in regular hippotherapy and occasionally is allowed to take up the reins She has retained her sense of humor and positive outlook through these difficult months, and has focused her now-famous intensity and iron will on her recovery
