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F.O.E.C.E. Makes Historic Gift to USPRE Members



The Foro de Opinion El Caballo Espanol FOECE, a prestigious committee of influential Spanish breeders and specialists of PRE Horses, led by President Ernesto Vazquez Lopez, has presented a priceless gift of research and information to the members of the United States PRE Association FOECE has donated several hundred copies of the proceedings of last Fall’s VIII Jornada Ecuestre: Sistema de Seleccion del caballo de Pura Raza Espanola y de otras Razas Europeas

This colloquium was conducted last October at the Real Maestranza de Caballeria de Sevilla, in conjunction with the Asociacion Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Espanola ANCCE

Speakers included:

            Sr Juan Tirado Agudo

            Dna Arancha Rodriguez

            D Pedro Javier Azor Ortiz

            D Enrique Guerrero

            Dna Ursula Mueller

            D Antonio Campos Pena

            D Fernando Caballos Rufino

            D Luis Lucio Perez     

Topics addressed the system of selection of horses in the Spanish studbook, in comparison with the Lusitano and other Northern European studbooks Hannoverian, Anglo-Arab with examination of their conformation and functionality standards The proceedings have been published in a beautiful presentation volume, which has been gifted to USPRE by FOECE for the benefit of American breeders USPRE representatives will have copies on hand at next month’s Feria del Caballo Espanol, in the USPRE tent, to distribute to members Others may request their copies directly from our office

USPRE wishes to thank FOECE for their extraordinary kindness and generosity in providing this invaluable book to our members, who work—like their counterparts in Spain—to continually improve the Spanish Horse for its modern use and demands USPRE sees this gesture as another sign of friendship and collaboration between the American breeders of PRE horses and those in the home country of Spain