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Fall Revision


United States PRE Association thanks our revision hosts for welcoming LG ANCCE Delegate Dr Javier Corona Orzanco  Thank you for opening your farms to your fellow breeders   During our fall revision, we visited 21 stud farms in 6 states   

Jesus Herrera from Yeguada Herrera said about revisions "On behalf of Yeguada Herrera we want to thank you and all the USPREA staff for such an organized Revision 2017 It was a great pleasure to host a revision site at our ranch and to especially welcome Mr Javier Corona to California Mr Javier Corona is a great person and ANCCE is lucky to have him part of their staff"  Revisions continue to be successful thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and members  Please visit our website later this year to find out our 2018 revision dates  It's never too early to sign up for revisions!  Click here to sign up