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Feria Del Caballo Espanol - Results


USPRE is pleased to present the ANCCE sanctioned 2008 Feria Del Caballo Espanol show results and congratulates all exhibitors and particitants



Mejor Ganaderia Best Breeder

Raul Armendariz - Rancho Armendariz

Major Ganaderia Expositora Best Exhibitor:

Jesus Jimenez – Rancho Jimenez

Campeon de la Raza Champion Stallion

VITOTE – Armando Miranda

SubCampeon de la Raza Reserve Champion Stallion

JUSTINO – Armando Miranda

Campeona de la Raza Champion Mare

L JOYA – Rancho El Comalteco

SubCampeona de la Raza Reserve Champion Mare


Campeon Joven de la Raza

CAMELOT III – Rancho El Comalteco

Campeona Joven de la Raza Champion Young Horse

GALEA MHF – Terry Waechter

SubCampeona Joven de la Raza

CAPRICHOSA III – Yeguada El Temple

SubCampeon Joven de la Raza

ANIMOSO UG - Rafael Madrigal

Mejores Movimientos Adultos

DOCTORA AK – Terry Waechter – Watchman

Mejores Movimientos Jovenes


Campeon de la Funcionalidad

Maromito VII – Rancho de Mena

Major Presentador

Brenda Gisselle

2008 Feria Del Caballo Espanol Points if interest:

  • 146 horses entered classes inclusive of 23 weanlings & 7 geldings;
  • 249 Stalls were occupied;
  • There were three certified Spanish Judges;
  • Nearly 7,000 spectators were in attendance over the three day event;
  • 67 Riders & horses participated in the flag ceremonies;
  • 16 horses traveled from Mexico;
  • 25 Contestants entered the Miss Feria Del Caballo Espanol competition;
  • All competition photos were provided to exhibitors courtesy Rafael Lemos


Hon Manuel Serna-Borja Lopez, D Pedro Pons, Hon Alfonso Del Castillo Caracuel,

Hon Juan Manuel Carnero Sanchez

VITOTE - Campeon De La Raza

L JOYA - Campeona De La Raza

CAMELOT III - Campeon Joven De La Raza

GALEA MHF - Campeona Joven De La Raza

DOCTORA AK - Mejores Movimientos Adultos

DELEGADO ARM - Mejores Movimientos Jovenes

MAROMITO VII - Campeon Absoluto De La Funcionalildad

Rancho Armendariz - Best Breeder


Jennifer Stewart, Show Manager & Raul Armendariz - Best Breeder

D Rafael Lemos "LIVE"

D Jesus Jimenez

Flag Ceremony

Avi Cohen, Jennifer Stewart, Dr Jaime Chapa

Show Awards

USPRE Show Ribbons

Javier Herrera and his Cobra

Gustavo Aldana, Show Vice President & Jennifer Stewart, Show Manager

Dr Jaime Chapa, Betsy Ketchum, D Pedro Pons

Brenda Gissell, Best Presenter