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FICCE President Message


Federacion Internacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Espanola FICCE International Federation of Breeders of the Pure Spanish Horse


To: All Member Associations From: Andre Garnier, President

At the meeting that was held during Bonanza 2008 in Costa Rica, and after Barbara Currie proposed me as the new President of FICCE, I spoke to all that attended the meeting, about my personal believes, and the position that the Costa Rican Association has, and ask the representatives of the different Countries, that if my personal position and that of our association was compatible with the objectives of FICCE, I would accept my election and work to accomplish the objectives The most important has to do with the Stud Book, "Libro ó Registro Genealógico del PRE": It is my personal believe, and the position of the Costa Rican Association, that there has to be only one book that Registers the PRE in the world This Registry Book, Stud Book, belongs to the Spanish Government, who has delegate in ANCCE the administration of the registry We have made the decision and commitment, to support ANCCE, to overcome the present situation of the Book, and be able to provide all breeders of the world with the outstanding "Passports or Pedigrees" In this regards, we oppose that other books are launched, that only will confuse the PRE breeders around the world This matter should get all our attention during the following weeks and months until the objective is completely fulfilled Once this objective is accomplished, we should question what FICCE objectives should be, and work towards them The people present, and the one that were previously asked agreed on my position, so I accepted my election To begin with, I would like to receive from each of you, a detailed report on the situation you have with respect of the documentation of the horses Best regards,
Andre Garnier