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Final Days to Register for TRC

This event requires your immediate attention! We need a minimum of 30 horses in one location in order to hold the TRC and keep the price as low as possible for breeders 
We are currently considering sites in California, Texas and Virginia Location will be determined based upon breeder participation and number of horses in each location
If breeders don't sign up by 30 June, the TRC will be cancelled
If you have an interest on participating in this event please sign up as soon as possible 
The USPRE Association wants and will do everything in its power to conduct the 2014 TRC but breeders have to show interest and sign up in order for us to know how many horses and which locations will be more convenient
There will be a 100% refund of the deposit if the TRC is cancelled due to lack of horses or if one of the above mentioned locations is cancelled and breeders can't travel to any of the other available sites  
Payment plans are available for those interested
For more information please contact Ricardo or Sally at 786-264-1108 or ricardo@usprea.com