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First 2011 Revision Tour



First 2011 Revision Tour - March 23rd through April 7th 2011

The first 2011 Revision Tour had Dr Alexandra Gomez Abella travel to eight 8 states which included Florida, Louisiana, Texas, California, Washington, Michigan, Ohio and Virginia where 260 PRE horses were presented by over fifty 50 Breeder/Owners [caption id="attachment_3005" align="aligncenter" width="166" caption="Dr Alexandra Gomez Abella"]Dr Alexandra Gomez Abella[/caption] The USPRE Board of Directors wishes to extend its heartfelt appreciation to Dr Alexandra Gomez Abella for her hard work and acknowledges Jennifer Stewart, Gilda Arana, Gustavo Aldana, Karen Rock, Maureen Watson and Karen Lewis for their courtesies and efficient coordination during this trip The next Revision tour is contemplated for late September/mid October 2011 In order to lock-in dates, it is recommended that Breeders/Owners submit their revision requests by end June 2011

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Breeder's Banquet hosted by USPRE Board Member, Raul Bucio

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Alexander Zilo