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First Official 2012 Stud Book Revision


PRE Revision 2012

Please be advised that the first 2012 Revision tour in North America sanctioned by the official PRE Stud Book in Spain will commence in Los Angeles, California on April 9th 2012   Breeders seeking to present their horses during this Revision tour should immediately proceed  to submit an Application for Service to Tanya Duffey  and make their service payment number 206 on the USPRE website Simply go on the USPRE homepage and click on the "LG Service USPRE"  stamp to go to the payment section of the website Alternatively, click on Tanya Duffey's card below ! International Application for Service - Click here ! The deadline for enrolling your horses will be Tuesday, March 27th 2012 While the 2012 Revision Tour will commence in southern California, Revision sites in other states and Canada will only be approved and thereby designated following the receipt of service application forms and payment  It is important to understand  that to be eligible to be a Revision Site, the local  Host must either assemble no less that fifteen 15 horses in any one particular facility or cover the domestic travel portion of the LG Veterinarian's expenses arriving to their location The Current Regional Site Coordinators are: Betsy Ketcham - Northern California Betsy@KetchamRanchcom     Gustalvo A Aldana - Southern California gustaldamar@aolcom  Christa Probson, Northern Texas RanchoAndalucia@earthlinknet Margot Reynolds, Southern Texas cumbres@gvtccom Additional Regional Site Coordinators will be announced as the number of horses accrue in each state The final Revision itinerary will be announced on or about April 2, 2012