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High Score PREs Honored at the Palm Beach Derby

10348699_10153577730375852_8217270741267175375_o Kerrigan Gluch and Vaquero HGF, with Janne Rumbough 2016_David Marcus and Churro_Annan Hepner David Marcus and Churro In keeping with more than 30 years of tradition, the Palm Beach Derby awards high scores for all the major sport horse breeds for dressage Since 2008, USPRE and Janne Rumbough have sponsored the High Point Palm Beach Derby Award for the highest scoring PRE in the International and National Divisions at this annual event This year's winners were: International Division: Kerrigan Gluch and Vaquero HGF   68202 Young Riders Individual Test National Division: David Marcus and Churro   70758  Third Level, Test 1 The Palm Beach Derby perpetual trophy is a bust of the head of Gaucho III, foundation sire to the American PRE herd and one of USPRE's recipients of a Lifetime Achievement recognition This year's Derby brought out no less than 15 pairs for the PRE award--7 in the CDI division and 8 in the national division Our thanks to all who participated and congratulations to the winners!