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This past 25th of July, the first ANCCE Executive Committee meeting was held in Sevilla The previous get-together was for the initial contact and to formulate the new Board of Directors
The Committee held an uninterrupted day, from 11 am until 9 pm, to obtain information from the various departments, both from the main ANCCE offices as well as from the technical management at PRE Stud Book office The Association lawyer reported about the situation of the various legal processes underway; the commitments with FIBES for the upcoming SICAB were discussed, as were the agreements signed by the out-going executive committee and other matters affecting forthcoming Conformational Competitions
A priority aspect was to summons a meeting on August 7 with the three associations in the United States, to reach an agreement that puts an end to the irregularities and the multiple versions of Purebred Spanish Horses that are appearing, all of which lead to confusion among breeders in North America
With regards to the work commissions, it is noteworthy to see the acceptance and enthusiasm on behalf of breeders to become active members of the commissions by contributing their best ideas Tomorrow is the deadline to presenting requests A communiqué will present a series of ideas, from which the best will be selected
Finally, the Executive Committee agreed to submit a series of measures to the Board of Directors for approval These measures seek to provide members with first-hand information about the continual functioning of the Association

One comment that everyone needs know and understand—one which by no means wants to discourage anyone—and that is the fact that we are all working for the good and benefit of ANCCE, with no other compensation than the satisfaction of a job well done