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José Juan Morales Fernández elected as the new President of ANCCE

2018 Honorary Member granted posthumously to Ángel Peralta Pineda The 46 th ANCCE National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association General Assembly was held this morning in Sevilla and has concluded as expected A variety of points on the agenda were covered, included the approval of the 2017 annual accounts, the2018 budget and the agreements passed by the Board of Directors were ratified In his report, outgoing President Juan Tirado underlined that after four years in the post, he“turns over anassociation that is economically healthy; a modern, close, useful ANCCE that is better structured and with 100 members more than it had in 2014 Over the past four years, the governing body has worked to reinforce the image of ANCCE as the most important association in the equine sector, and a reference for others It is a solid organization in which its maximum objective is to defend its members Among the advances made are the communication systems, low-cost national sports tests, the presence of Purebred Spanish Horses at the World Breeding Dressage Championships for Young Horses, the updating of the Conformation-Functional Competition Rules, the launching of the new ANCCE Cup for Work Equitation and the initiative to count on our own molecular genetics lab to perform DNA testing on PRE Horses Likewise, Tirado highlighted the impact of the promotional work carried out in favor of the Purebred Spanish Horse, with the full integration of ANCCE in Marca España: “This has allowed us to position the Purebred Spanish Horse as a brand both in Spain and abroad” Throughout 2017, ANCCE held meetings with department heads at Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment MAPAMA, essentially with the Directorate General for Breeding and Animal Health ANCCE also attended a number of meetings with members of FEAGAS Spanish Federation of Select Livestock Associations and ASAJA Young Farmers’ Association; it also participated in the annual FEACC Spanish Federation of Horse Breeders’ Association Assembly, where ANCCE held the presidency Tirado pointed out that the PRE Stud Book, “is an international reference point; currently, it plays a determining role, provides administrative services to all associations thanks to the know-how acquired over the past ten years of flawless management on behalf of ANCCE, and has surpassed all annual quality audits” Lastly, the outgoing president expressed his appreciation for the support provided over the past four years by breeders, the Board and ANCCE employees He also wished the very best for the incoming governing body< The Assembly appointed the 2018 Honorary Member posthumously to mounted bullfighter and Purebred Spanish Horse breeder, Ángel Peralta José Juan Morales, the new president Once the Q&amp;A session concluded, the Election Board proceeded to proclaim the new ANCCE governing body until 2022 The Board of Directors will be led by President José Juan Morales Fernández, and backed by 47 breeders José Juan Morales 56 years of age from Sevilla is a PRE Horse breeder since 2001 Over the past 12 years, he has been an active member of the various ANCCE bodies; he is currently the Vice-President of the Royal Andalusian Carriage Club RCEA Morales thanks members for their support and stated that he was ready and willing to work with the all: “all members, independently of their age, field of interest, professional activity…must form an integrated part of ANCCE They need to feel that they are listened to and that their development as breeders is favored I would therefore like to ask you all to contribute greatly with your presence, participation and collaboration so that among us all, we may solve the sector’s needs and achieve qualitative advances for our breed” Source — ANCCE — 26/05/2018