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The General Assembly appoints breeders Roberto Federspiel from Costa Rica and Francisco Jiménez from Mexico as 2014 Honorary Members

This morning, the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain ANCCE celebrated its the 42nd General Assembly in Sevilla   As stipulated by the Association Bylaws, the various points on the Agenda were covered, including the approval of the 2013 annual accounts, the 2014 budget and the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors were ratified  

In his report, the President of ANCCE, Javier Conde, underscored that “he turns over an Association that is economically healthy, without losses, despite the worst economic crisis that Spain has seen in the past decade”

The Association has made extreme efforts to maintain the current services, and create new ones, in the face of no subsidies and a moderate decrease in members  ANCCE has worked to reinforce its image as the most important association within and a reference for the equine sector; it has carried out meetings with those in charge at the Ministry of Agriculture, essentially with the General Offices for Farming and Animal Health; it is on the Board of Directors of FEAGAS Association of Select Farm Breeds and ASAJA Farmers’ Association, the Dressage Selection Committee at Spain Royal Equestrian Federation  Likewise, ANCCE occupies the Presidency of FEACC and the PRE Stud Book, where it  “plays an important role to provide administrative services to all of the associations, based on a seven-year record of flawless management, thus making the PRE Stud Book an international example, thus surpassing all of the quality audits that have been performed,” explained Conde

Lastly, he thanked everyone for the support provided by breeders, the Board and employees of ANCCE over the past six years

Two pioneering PRE breeders, each in his respective country, were designated 2014 Honorary Members by the Assembly These members were Roberto Federspiel from Costa Rica, owner of the stud farm in his name, and Francisco Jimenez from Mexico 

The ANCCE General Assembly concluded with the announcement of the winner of the 3rdCover Horse” Photographic Contest, organized by ANCCE: Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde from Yeguada Candau with the photograph titled: The next generation

Later, being that the polling stations had closed, it was time to count the votes  By majority, Juan Tirado was elected the new President of ANCCE 

The election finished with the participation of 399 breeders, which represented 648% of the election census, of which 269 votes were for Juan Tirado It was a historic percentage, which proves that ANCCE is an organization that is full of life and that motivates breeder interest

Juan Tirado, on the other hand, expressed his appreciation to all members for their participation in the election process, the support received and he expressed his willingness to work for the benefit of everyone  “This is the beginning of a new era  We have come with high hopes and a vocation to serve others  We are not tycoons seeking to solve the problems of others with private funds; we are going to ask for sacrifices, and we need everyone’s help We are human; we make mistakes, but we hope to warn each other and help each other improve so that things work correctly  We are open to your suggestions, concluded Tirado 


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Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española