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LG California I&R Tour



In the second half of February, a visit was made to California to register and evaluate horses Due to the volume of services provided, it was a historical mission In California alone, some 1,200 registrations and evaluation were performed for horses thatwere already three years old without previous registration Arancha Rodríguez, LGPRE International Department Manager, traveled to the US accompanied by a collaborator employed by the Stud Book, to start the identification process by preparing the written description and drawings and place microchips in approximately 800 PRE horses Likewise, some 400 horses were evaluated; all them belonging to breeders and owners from the Los Angeles area This area has the largest PRE density of all the USA Metropolitan Los Angeles is home to a large number of Spanish-speaking breeders, who have the largest volume of livestock The number of services is historic due to the quantity and the short period of time in which they were performed This is an example of the interest the LGPRE has in providing PRE owners the world around with the best possible services Alexander Zilo and Miguel Núñez, both US breeders, collaborated closely in the coordination of all the documentation and visits to stud farms during this extensive trip Another visit to the country is currently being planned, during which efforts will be made to update all those PRE horses currently lacking documentation