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Member Dinner Set for Thursday, January 28 at 6:30 pm

The Annual Member dinner is set for Thursday Evening, January 28, during USPRE Week, starting at 6:30 pm This popular event is the time members enjoy each other's company, spend time with the Board of Directors, and relax on a South Florida evening  This year members are signing up at a very brisk pace  No tickets are required, just reserve your space soon by emailing Joan at unitedstatespre@gmailcom  The cost per person is $100 and can be paid to staff or to Joan beginning now and up to the evening of the event  Reservations are essential to attending this event This year we will announce our Year End Awards, and Kim Boyer will unveil a project she has been working on for most of 2015 This extra special product was designed for and by breeders and Kim will outline it for the members and breeders attending the Member Dinner  Once it's unveiled,it will be rolled out for our membership, breeder friends and the general public So don't miss it  USPRE staff and members of the Board, past Year End Award winners, and Special Guests including a delegation from Spain will be there and look forward to "putting a face to a name"   Betsy Ketcham