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Minutes from the Third and Final BEC Meeting of 2013


The BEC Committee met for the third and final time in 2013, on 2 November Chairperson Betsy Ketcham opened the meeting at 10:10 am PST

I Lexington 2014

The first topic was the proposed ANCCE show in Lexington, VA, in September, 2014 Betsy stated that Karen Lewis would like to hold a show meeting and the committee would have to reconvene after Karen has all of her information available  The Lexington Horse Show will be discussed at a future meeting of the BEC

III Educational CLinics for TRC

The topic of the need for educational clinics for TRC was proposed  It was stated by Ramiro that he knew of 3 horses that could be presented and Madrigal stated that he was interested  Kaye Greenbury also stated that there were people win her area that might be interested Chairperson Ketcham stated that the clinics would need to be be held at least six months in advance of the actual TRC visit in order for the breeders to have sufficient time to prepare their horses The topic of cost was discussed in terms of TRC clinics, and bringing over the most relevant clinicians/judges from Spain Discussion led to budget for a clinic series as well as the need to hear from Spain regarding any new qualifications for approvals at TRCs

The vote to increase the budget for TRC clinics was proposed and unanimously approved  Tentative dates are set for September and March as proposed Chairperson Ketcham warned that Spring break should be avoided as fares increase and that airfares would need to be checked for best times She also stated that a team would need to be assigned to promote the clinics and events on Facebook  It was proposed that Nick Phillips be contracted to make a promotional video that showed already approved horses and showcase why a breeder would want to peruse the Qualified status for their horses  Names of breeders that already have qualified horses could be contacted to obtain good footage  The horses actual names and owners information would not be mentioned but a running script would need to be written espousing the benefits;  greater prestige  for the farm and more than one embryo per mare per annum   She stated that this is a title that will stay with the horse unlike a show prize  Kaye Greenbury and Ramiro Perez volunteered gather material for the promotional video and contact Nick Phillips 

Chairperson Ketcham thanked the participants of their time and stated that she was excited for the TRC promotion

She asked the participants to read the minutes for the May meeting and to get back to her with their approval

Meeting concluded at 11:15 am PST