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Osteochondrosis Report


This notice expands on the information published by ANCCE regarding the review of the X-ray protocol that is applicable to all Qualified Tribunals TQB's for the Pure Spanish Horse With regards to osteochondrosis, what ANCCE has done, is to update the requirements concerning this disease and to adapt the latest information on the topic To this end, ANCCE has contacted the most prestigious experts on this disease, Professors Van Weerem, Manuel Novales and Jean-Marie Denoix The conclusions they have presented show that there is no proof that osteochondrosis is genetically transmitted to the descendants, although there is a genetic predisposition in certain horses to have the disease In fact, it can appear in horses with no osteochondrosis in thier family, but the opposite also occurs, some horses with a family history of osteochondrosis never develop the disease It has been proven that the management of the horses will have a major impact on the appearance of this disease For more information on precautionary measures, please visit the ANCCE website news section where Professor Novales provides recommendations so as to prevent the incidence of osteochondrosis Having revised the results obtained during the 2007 season, and following the criteria carried out in other countries, it has been decided to establish a radiographic classification of the lesions, adapted specifically for each anatomical structure that is the object of the study, only eliminating the most serious forms of the disease These classifications pay more attention to the changes in the conformation of the bony contour, than to the presence of the osteochondral fragments themselves on the understanding that these may have been eliminated For each anatomical structure, three 3 grades will be established, depending on the seriousness of the lesions detected Those horses presenting one grade 3 lesion or at least two 2 grade 2 lesions in all of the anatomical structures examined, will be considered Not Approved With this, we are able to avoid discarding as Qualified Breeding Stock, those horses with proven quality conformation, without causing any reduction in the health of the breed, and to avoid possible negative impacts to Breeders The proposed classification of osteochondrosis has been produced the Reading Center Manuel Novales, in conjunction with the members of the Counsel and Appeal Committee Jorge de la Calle, Marta Prades and Miguel Valdes More detailed explanations and information with accompanying graphics can be found on the website of the University of Cordoba Veterinarian Hospital Clinic The hospital collaborates with ANCCE and acts as the radiological reading and interpretation center for OCD

Photo courtesy: Keely Tate