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P.R.E. Qualifies for the 2011 Pan Am Games


 Mica Mabragana and IDILIO II Qualify for the 2011 Pan Am Games

[caption id="attachment_3486" align="aligncenter" width="214" caption="Mica Mabragana & Idilio II"][/caption] Following six 6 months of international qualifying competition, Mica Mabragana and Idilio II have been invited to represent the country of Argentina at the Pan American Games in October Mica, who currently lives in New York and Wellington, is from Argentina and came to the United States nine years ago to train with Lendon Gray She has represented Argentina in the NAJYRC and in the Young Rider World Cup in 2007 in Germany Idilio II is a 1995 foundation stallion for Hampton Green Farm, who has competed successfully in the FEI arenas of the United States and Spain since 2002 


USPRE extends its warmest congratulations to the Hampton Green Farms dressage pair - Mica Mabragana and Idilio II