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P.R.E Stud Book News


USPRE Signs a Cooperative Agreement for the Administration of Stud Book Paperwork in North America

[caption id="attachment_3714" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Dr Arancha Rodriguez"][/caption] Following a four 4 year cooperation on PRE Stud Book matters and paperwork, USPRE President, Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer and ANCCE President, Javier Conde Cerrato signed an agreement in Seville, Spain on November 25th 2011 which will pave the way for the transfer of the " in country " processing of Stud Book documents to USPRE commencing February 2012 The Miami LG-ANCCE USA office will be moved in January 2012 to what is becoming widely known as the Winter Equestrian Capital of the World - Wellington, Florida

Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer said: " We are very pleased that USPRE will be taking a more prominent role in the services provided to American and Canadian PRE Breeders" Javier Conde Cerrato added: " The signing of this agreement is an evolution of the relationship which we established in 2007 and have developed over the last four years Representing the largest number of PRE Owners & Breeders in North America, it is only natural that USPRE now work directly with LG-ANCCE " [caption id="attachment_3716" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Alexander Zilo, Kimberly Boyer, Javier Conde"][/caption]

Board members Joan Mack, Miguel Nunez, Alexander Zilo and US Olympian, Courtney King-Dye also travelled to SICAB for the signing ceremony