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Dear USPRE Members,

Since my last communication, our organization has exploded with activity and new milestones From Los Angeles to Madrid, there is news to report of USPRE activities and successes in our effort to promote our PRE horse in America I'd like to highlight the events and the people who have worked to make them happen and to make our membership aware of all things that pertain to the matters of the PRE horse

  • Our USPRE membership has grown exponentially since January We are happy to say that USPRE has brought together a large and vibrant interactive community of PRE owners and enthusiasts that fall into many categories, from dressage riders to PRE Breeders to pleasure riders to loyal "non-owners" We welcome all of you and hope that you will grow in your understanding of the PRE and feel a strong network of support through our efforts
  • Our Honorary Board of Directors continues to grow Since January we have added two well-known names in the world of competitive dressage: Lendon Gray, three-time Olympian and Head Trainer of Glenedon Dressage in Bedford New York Lendon is most recently known for her development and management of Youth dressage programs and is credited with the discovery and training of Courtney King, a US A-List rider and World Cup competitor Lendon is very enthusiastic about the PRE and the work of USPRE " I am excited about doing anything I can to help out with the USPRE " In addition to Lendon, Wellington-based Jan Brons has joined the USPRE Honorary Board Jan's has only recently begun to train PREs, and is mainly involved with warmblood horses at all levels Jan has been particularly successful in the FEI Young Horse competitions and will undoubtedly bring his knowledge and rich experience of young horse training to his advisory position A USPRE-sponsored visit from Spanish Honorary Board member Victor Alvarez in February provided invaluable dressage training in both private lessons and a one-day clinic for many USPRE members and non-members alike Victor introduced riders of all breeds to the benefits of the PRE and to the training principals that are best suited for all types of horses
  • Our first Dressage High Point Award was won by USPRE Board member Janne Rumbough at the Palm Beach Derby Janne, with her domestic-bred Gorron Go-Go scored over 65% to achieve a second place in the Adult Amateur division of the highly competitive Prix St George class at the Derby and she beat out all other PRE contenders for the AA FEI High Point Award sponsored by USPRE Congratulations Janne!
  • Top ranked US A-Listed Courtney King has selected a PRE to be her next Grand Prix prospect! Courtney is currently en route to Amsterdam where she will represent the United States at the World Cup on her seasoned stallion Idocus Upon her return her focus will be on the Olympic Selection Trials this June in California and her top horses in training, one of which is now a PRE, Grandioso III-a nine year old bay stallion that she located this season in Wellington see Grandioso on our USPRE print ad A successful experience for Courtney on Grandioso will bring much deserved international exposure of the breed to our targeted community
  • Fiesta Midwest is growing into our country's most exciting up-coming PRE breed show Under the capable direction of Gabrielle Baker, a weekend of seminars, breed classes, clinics, parties and overall celebration will take place in Wilmington Ohio June 5-8 If you have not done so, you MUST visit their website at wwwfiestamidwestcom In addition to the PRE breed show, Inscription, Revision, and Qualified Tribunals will be held and a delegation from the Executive Committee of ANNCE, including new President Javier Conde, will personally make the trip to meet breeders, view the stock, and conduct seminars on the current state and development of the breed A special meeting for PRE breeders is scheduled with the ANCCE delegation Gabi is anticipating that Fiesta Midwest could be the largest ever PRE breed show in America Centrally located, this show is a first for the northern and central regions of the United States and will bring together for the first time many breeders and owners from all US regions Come and meet the new face of the PRE Breeder in America!

In International news:

Last month in San Jose, Costa Rica, the membership of FICCE the International Federation of the Presidents of PRE associations outside of Spain elected D Andre Garnier as their new President The FICCE unanimously endorsed and reconfirmed their commitment to the Spanish Stud Book as the only legitimate registry of the PRE breed In Seville, D Javier Conde was ratified as President of ANCCE by a landslide at the March 15th General Assembly Cartas are being issued daily despite a backlog which the LG has represented at the General Assembly will be caught up within three weeks Breeders issues were addressed and ANCCE renewed its commitment to its electoral platform of integrity within the organization In spite of a six month delay in Stud Book management transition, stability and continuance of services has been achieved Stud Book operations are back on track What began as a revision/inscription trip for a record-breaking 800 horses in California last month, turned into a virtual avalanche of requests for service, with over 1200 requests processed and blood work for as many horses collected and sent to Spain Headed by the USPRE Breeders Committee Chairman, Miguel Nunez, PRE Breeders from up and down the West Coast came out with their stock to be registered in the Spanish Studbook LG, showing overwhelming support of the LG and its management ANCCE representatives alongside USPRE volunteers worked fourteen hour days completing paperwork, assisting owners, and processing blood work in what will surely come to be seen as a turning point in the state of the PRE breed in this country Since those busy two weeks, requests for services have increased dramatically and more ANCCE-LG trips are now scheduled, beginning with Florida and Texas in April BE SURE to contact Dr Arancha Rodriguez at ANCCE-LG if you are in need of Stud Book services Of all these highlights and milestones the past two months, we believe that what is most significant for our organization is the role that has recently developed for us in facilitating the needs of US Breeders for Stud Book services In accordance with our core mission of promoting the PRE horse in the performance sports in the US, we are committed to developing the base of breeders in the country through education and exposure to the demands of the sports at which the PRE can succeed Before we can do this, we must do all that we can to ensure that PRE horses are correctly registered and recognized by the parent studbook, and that US breeders have access to all of the resources that are available to them through ANCCE and the Spanish Breeders organization This winter, USPRE has stepped up into a role that was demanded of us, to make sense out of the confusion that has existed for the past few months and to direct Breeders to swift and easy resolution to their registration issues Our Directors and Breeder's Committee volunteers have advised and steered hundreds of requests for clarification and we take satisfaction in seeing a record number of horses taking their rightful place in their official breed registry Our objectives in filling this role for our Breeders is to take the unnecessary mystery and frustration out of the registration process and to promote the growth of the PRE through domestic breeding programs Education, support, and promotion of US breeders is becoming a crucial aspect of USPRE, and it is for all other organizations that promote the development of American bred horses for performance sports Our utmost goal is to promote unity among PRE breeders in the United States and to facilitate their ability to work directly with their breed organization in Spain We have attempted to be outspoken in our commitments but to remain above the fray in our reporting to our membership We will try to stop misinformation when we can, and we make every attempt to be clear and factual Ultimately, unity of PRE Breeders with each other and with ANCCE as custodians of the LG Stud Book is in the best interest of our horse and the American community which values it most highly Sincerely, Kimberly Boyer