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Rafael Ortiz Clinic

Yeguada Trujillo, New Cuyama, California
July 23rd 2011
Perfect weather, an incredible setting, and the gracious hospitality of Sabas and Lucia Trujillo set the stage for a memorable and educational seminar organized by USPRE and conducted by Dr Rafael Ortiz Alcala  Dr Ortiz, a Veterinarian, International Dressage competitor, and Qualified Tribunal Judge, shared his extensive knowledge and experience with the Pure Spanish Horse to a standing room only audience of over one hundred 100 Breeders, Owners, and Aficionados of the Pure Spanish horse
The material presented was very well organized and covered topics related to selecting, breeding and showing our wonderful horses First, he explored the three 3 gaits of the PRE  The walk, trot and canter were discussed and video clips were used to illustrate the desirable and undesirable qualities   Following this, a complete discussion of PRE morphology, from nose to tail, was covered, with plenty of photos, videos, and time for questions and answers
[caption id="attachment_3330" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sabas Trujillo & Sixto Baez"][/caption]
Lunch was served in the pavilion which is the centerpiece for the parklike central square at the Trujillo Ranch  Guests enjoyed a traditional Mexican luncheon amid the dappled shade of mature trees, with plenty of time to socialize with friends new and old After a brief break, the clinic moved to the arena where the practical application of the day's material was put to the test  Audience members were invited to play the role of judge alongside Dr Ortiz as beautiful PRE horses were presented one after the other in the arena  After each horse was evaluated, D Ortiz reviewed his scores for each animal to clarify exactly how he arrived at the scores to help the audience refine their appreciation of the PRE morphology
[caption id="attachment_3333" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sabas Trujillo, Lucia Trujillo, Rafael Ortiz, Gustavo Aldana"][/caption]
Finally, an evening of live Mariachi music and delicious food culminated with the presentation of Certificates for all clinic attendees and special thanks to Dr Ortiz and to Mr & Mrs Trujillo for providing such a  wonderful opportunity for all in the California PRE community
[caption id="attachment_3334" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sabas & Lucia Trujillo"][/caption]
The USPRE Board of Directors extends its deepest appreciation to Sabas & Lucia Trujillo for their exemplary stewardship and hospitality
Appreciation is also extended to the hosts of our four 4 private clinics: Betsy Ketcham, Dr Ariel Martinez, Suzanne Punch-Randall and Terry Waechter  
Contributed by Betsy Ketcham & Alexander Zilo