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Report from the Breeders Executive Committee


Vice President Betsy Ketcham reports that the Breeders Executive Committee has now met twice since its inception in February The first meeting was held in March and procedures and appointments were the top items on the agenda Ramiro Perez was elected Vice Chairman for 2013 and Margot Reynolds agreed to fill the Secretary position Both were approved unanimously

The initial assembly spent considerable time analysing the fabric of the American PRE Breeder population Regions were discussed and Karen Lewis and Margot Reynolds were assigned as regional directors for the East Coast and Texas respectively Prior to additional appointments, the BEC requested a breakdown of breeders per state from the LG-ANCCE, which was provided prior to the second meeting Miguel Nunez agreed to be the regional director for California at the May meeting

In the first meeting, the BEC recommended that the USPRE office prepare New Breeders’ Packets, which have now been implemented to their specifications and are provided to all new breeders

In response to requests by the California BEC representatives, and in light of the large percentage of the US breeder population residing there, USPRE has now provided a paperwork assistant in that State

 Budgetary issues were tabled until the May meeting, at which time the BEC agreed to funding for a multi-state TRC preparation clinic in addition to show sponsorship funds for Feria de Caballo Espanol and an ANCCE Show in Virginia in 2014 Locations of the TRC clinics are still to be determined and will be announced on this site

The need for more shows, and more USPRE visibility at shows, was a topic at both meetings and as a result, USPRE will be present at Dressage at Lexington in August and tentatively at the IALHA Shows in Wisconsin and Texas later this summer

The TRC for 2013 was also discussed, and the BEC approved of the proposal that USPRE provide the up-front funding for the event, to be reimbursed by the TRC fees prior to the Tribunals in September This avoids the need for finding a single individual sponsor as in prior years

 The BEC will meet again in the fall If you are a breeder and have questions or specific requests from this committee, please contact one of the members in your region BEC members are listed on the “About USPRE” page on this site