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Selection Conditions for the 2018 World Young Horse Championship for Dressage


Selection Conditions for the 2018 World Young Horse Championship for Dressage

Thanks to the latest negotiations and agreements reached among ANCCE, ANCADES Sport Horse Breeders’ Association and RFHE Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation this past Friday, the 9th of March, regarding the selection conditions for the 2018 World Young Horse Championship for Dressage August 2-5, mutual arrangements have been established by the parties, with the following terms:

1 General Conditions All horses/riders aspiring to participate in the 2018 World Young Horse Championship must obtain averages considering their two 2 best entries into the International Competition arena CDI and two 2 best National Competitions CDN 3

The averages must be equal to or greater than 70% in the case of horses that are 7 years of age, and 75% in horse that are 5 and 6 years old

As established by the Championship Rules, in this process, priority will be given to horses bred in Spain and registered with associations that are members of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses WBFSH In other words, Purebred Spanish Horses PRE and Spanish Sport Horses CDE For the averages, the two 2 best results in percentages % will be taken into consideration for each horse/rider at international competitions I1 and I2, as well as the average of the two 2 best results in percentages % obtained at national competitions N1 and N2 for each contestant

The averages shall be tallied separately, attending the results at CDIs or CDN3, respectively In both cases international and national, these averages must be greater than the percentages indicated above for each age group

The total for the results in percentage % to be tallied for the value of each horse/rider may not be less than four 4 The results as a percentage % obtained by any horse/rider at a CDI may tally this in substitution of results attained at CDN 3 and not the other way around

The last computable national competition shall be the Master Selection, which will be held coinciding with the 2018 Spanish National Absolute Championship for Dressage Results obtained by each horse/rider at CDN 3 between January 1, 2018 and until the date of the aforementioned Championship will be considered valid

PRE / CDE horses competing abroad outside of Spain and that surpass the qualification criteria established in the Rules may be eligible within the quota for Spain In this case, the competition results at national events in their countries of residence may be included in the tally, if and when these surpass the standards listed in the FEI texts for their category

The deadline to obtain qualification results at international competition is the 24th of June, 2018, with the results obtained as of the 1st of January, 2018 being accepted

Consequently, a ranking will be drafted, which will be the mathematical average of the best results, obtained at international competitions I1+I2 and the two 2 best at national competitions N1+N2: I1+I2+N1+N2 /4

Based on this ranking, and prior to the 25th of June, both ANCCE and ANCADES must present their respective lists of horse before Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation These horses must have met the minimum qualification standards established in this document to be proposed as candidates to participate in the 2018 World Young Horse Competition

Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation is responsible for entries in the World Competition and the authentication of the entire selection process, to proceed to enter the selected horses The Federation shall distribute the available entries by attending the averages of each horse, respecting its results with regards to the full group of qualified horses, presented by both of the aforementioned Associations

In the case of an act of God, injury, sales or for any other reason one of the horses include in the entry would have to be removed from the list—always attending the formal requirement and timeline established by FEI rules—said removal shall be covered by the next horse on the ranking, from among the group of qualified horses presented by the Associations

In such case that there are no horses/riders belonging to ANCCE and/or ANCADES that meet minimal standards established in this document to seek one of the available places in each category, the RFHE may allow the selection of other breeds The selection criteria established in this document shall be used and based on the rankings obtained by each horse

2 Official Dressage Veterinarian Report binding To be part of the various RFHE Dressage teams, the health of the horses seeking access must receive prior approval from the official Federation Dressage Veterinarian Report: Dr Gaspar Castelyns + 34 635 560 322 / gaspar@equihealtheu

This requirement is essential for any horse to be included in the Teams Therefore, all interested parties must instruct their private veterinary to contact Gaspar Castelyns and cover the formal requirements established to carry out the follow up that assesses the horse’s health, and as would be the case, accept its integration into the corresponding team 3 Documentation Spanish male and female riders wishing to participate in international Dressage competitions in Spain and/or abroad, must send Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation RFHE all signed commitment documents, which may be found on the RFHE web site See Appendix V / VI / VII / X / XI / XIV / XV / XVI Dressage 2018

For any other doubt regarding these documents and their updates, please contact Oihane Prieto oprieto@rfhecom at the International Competition Department at the RFHE or Pilar Maroto pmaroto@rfhecom at the RFHE Technical Management

4 Economic Aid Spain’s Royal Equestrian Federation website will publish the standards for economic aid for riders participating in competitions included on the 2018 Official RFHE Planning To be eligible for said aid, riders must comply with the established requirement, as well as use the document that have been specifically created by the RFHE administration

For all processes and doubts in this regard, the contact person at the Federation is Beatriz Sanz bsanz@rfhecom When it comes to international sports, the contact at the Federation is Oihane Prieto oprieto@rfhecom, who will attend requests

5 Specific ANCCE / ANCADES selection process All of those horses/riders who could be considered by National Associations, in terms of the specific complementary preparation designed by said associations, must meet the aforementioned requirements prior to the final proposal from the RFHE to proceed to enter into the 2018 World Young Horse Competition

→ We encourage PRE breeders and owners to compete to obtain the necessary qualification for the World Championship, in an effort to have the highest number of horses/riders possible

For any doubts or clarification in this regard, feel free to contact ANCCE at 954-689-260 option 2 or by email: ancce@anccecom