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Selection specifics for Stallions going to the 2019 CDI1* Competition in Ermelo



Selection specifics for Stallions going to the 2019 CDI1 Competition in Ermelo

General Terms & Conditions
Horses participating in this event must be registered as breeding stock in the corresponding Stud Book, and retain reproductive abilities at the time of the competition All horses/riders seeking to participate in the 2019 Stallion of the Year or any similar name that the Organizing Committee may select must obtain their averages as of their two 2 best participations in the arena of an international CDI or higher or a national CDN 3 or higher competition event  At least one 1 result must be at a CDI event  The aforementioned averages must be equal to or greater than 66% in the Prix St Georges test or higher For averages, the two 2 best performances in percentages % earned by each pair horse/rider at an international competition I1 + I2 or a combination of international and national events I1 + N2 will be taken into consideration In terms of results, the total in percentage % computed for the score for each horse-rider combination following their two 2 sorties in the arena, shall not be less than two 2 participations Said results, in percentage % as earned by each pair at CDI events may be tallied in substitution for the results earned at CDN 3events, but not the other way around Only results earned between January 1, 2019 and June 25, 2019 inclusive will be taken into consideration  Horses that are competing abroad not in Spain with a rider who is a citizen of Spain, and that surpass the criteria as established in the Rules, may be eligible within the quota for Spain  Said riders may include the results earned in their country of residence in their tally, if and when said tests are officially accepted by FEI legislation as established for that category ANCCE shall establish meetings for all pairs that have surpassed the minimal required scores so that the trainer—chosen by ANCCE—may assess and establish the final pre-entry, independently of the score each pair may have obtained throughout the year  At said meeting, and based on the ANCCE Dressage Commission criteria, horses may be eliminated should said horse have any of the disqualifying defects stated in the PRE breed description  Should any one of the horses named on the entry form have to be removed from said list due to force majeure, injury, sales or any other reason—always attending the formal requirements and deadlines established by the FEI rules for the Championship—said space shall be covered by the next horse on the list that the trainer has established This competition shall be computable for the ANCCE Cup for Dressage and considered a CDI1 event To participate in this text, it is essential that all participating horses have an updated FEI passport  In such case that no horses surpass the minimal established requirements, the ANCCE Dressage Commission may invite those pairs considered capable so that the trainer assesses them, to then decide, personally and exclusively whether or not said pairs enter the competition VERY IMPORTANTThis competition is organized by the World Young Horse Championship Organizing Committee; as the organizer of the 2019 edition, said body may or may not hold the event, as they see fit  Should this event not be held, the selection process shall be cancelled, in which case ANCCE may not be considered responsible or accountable in any way